The US reaffirms support for the territorial integrity of Guyana

GEORGETOWN.- The US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, ratified her country’s support for Guyana and the defense of its territorial integrity.

On Monday, February 26, the official said: “We support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Guyana and the agreement on border divisions that was made in the 19th century. For this reason, we have supported the International Court of Justice (ICJ). ) to take this initiative and we have made it clear to President Irfaan Ali and the people of Guyana that their territorial integrity and sovereignty have the support of the United States.”

Guyana and Venezuela maintain a territorial dispute over the Essequibo: While the former defends the 1899 Arbitration Award, the Nicolás Maduro regime insists that the 1966 Geneva Agreement be validated. Both countries must present their arguments before the ICJ next April.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield said Guyana’s current border is valid “at least until another authority makes a decision that it is not acceptable.”

He pointed out that Guyana has not asked the US to install a military base in its country. “It’s not something that I know Guyana has requested, but part of the reason we are all visiting Guyana is because it is now on the international stage,” she noted.

He said that, in addition to the Caribbean Community (Caricom) summit being held in Guyana, “the reason for being here was to have talks with President Ali and his administration about how we can partner in the Security Council.”

USA and Haiti

In Georgetown, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield met with Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry. According to the Department of State USAdiscussed the urgent need to promote an inclusive way to move towards free and fair elections, in addition to the restoration of democratic order in Haiti.

“Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering support for the Haitian people, including the continued provision of humanitarian, economic, development and security assistance, including the Multinational Security Support Mission,” it was reported. on Monday, February 26.

Source: Department of State / News Source Guyana

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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