Lise Sofie Nøss has a bachelor’s degree in nutrition with two further studies. One within motivational interview technique and one about eating disorders, it also involves understanding a disturbed eating pattern.

Some of the most common problems Nøss has experienced as a dietitian, and which she has experienced herself, is the sudden craving for a certain type of dish or sweet.

– There is an intense desire for a specific type of food that is difficult to resist. This desire can occur at any time, after a meal, if you have not slept well or are on a diet. There are several reasons why cravings occur, she explains to Good Morning Norway.

CRAVINGS AND FOOD CURVES: In Good morning Norway, dietitian and author Lise Marie Nøss explains what food cravings are and what you can do to deal with the sudden desire for a type of food. Photo: Agnes Alstad Mogstad / Good morning Norway

This was a topic she missed more information on – and now comes with clear tips on how to deal with food cravings.

Stomach hunger, heart hunger and mouth hunger

Now she has delved into the subject, and has written the book “Cravings – How you get control over food cravings”.

DIARY: It was already at the age of 12 that Lisa Marie Nøss wrote in her diary that she wanted to work with people and health.  Photo: Private

DIARY: It was already at the age of 12 that Lisa Marie Nøss wrote in her diary that she wanted to work with people and health. Photo: Private

Nøss says that it is important to get to know the feeling of hunger and she describes food cravings by dividing hunger into three different types: Stomach hunger, heart hunger and mouth hunger.

Stomach hunger, she explains, is a physical hunger.

– It comes because the body needs energy. This hunger occurs when it has been a while since you have eaten. Stomach hunger is best handled by having regular meals, you don’t have to eat after the clock, but it is important not to go a whole day without food.

Heart hunger is an emotional hunger that can come on suddenly. It’s about feeding on your feelings.

– These feelings can be both positive and negative. The former eats to give himself a reward. An example of this is mothers relaxing after putting their children to bed for the evening. Mother finds a chocolate and enjoys herself on the sofa.

CRAVINGS FOR A CERTAIN TYPE OF FOOD: Cravings for something good like a cinnamon bun can occur suddenly.  Photo: Knut Erik Skistad / Good morning Norway

CRAVINGS FOR A CERTAIN TYPE OF FOOD: Cravings for something good like a cinnamon bun can occur suddenly. Photo: Knut Erik Skistad / Good morning Norway

The second example is when you feed on negative emotions.

– It could be a feeling of loneliness, a break-up or you feel empty and frustrated for other reasons. In these situations when you feed on emotions, it is heart hunger.

The dietitian explains that the reason and pattern that causes one to eat because of emotions can be formed over time.

– Part of the strategy for dealing with heartburn is to recognize one’s patterns and find alternative coping strategies.

She adds that this, like other habits, can be changed.

– Intense cravings that appear out of nowhere

The third type of hunger Nøss describes is oral hunger. It is not emotion-driven.

Nutrition biologist warns: – Designed for overeating

– This hunger is felt despite the fact that you have eaten nutritious food. You just want something that gives you a specific sensation in your mouth, an intense craving that appears out of nowhere.

Here, according to the dietitian, you need a clear strategy.

Her advice is to wait ten minutes and do something to distract you.

– You can then feel whether you really want the temptation. If there is a chocolate that tempts you, you can take a small piece, sit down and enjoy it, but you do not have to eat the whole package.

Can you get rid of food cravings?

Nøss says that it plays a role in what you actually put on the plate and how we eat the food.

– What can be done about this craving for a certain type of food?

– It is important to eat proper meals so that you don’t get hungry between them. A meal should consist of the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and half the plate should consist of fruit or vegetables.

She adds that it is also important to recognize food cravings.

– It’s about dealing with it, and thinking I can eat a bit of what I want and that’s fine. If you need a snack, it can be fruit, nuts or a yoghurt.

– One thing is what we put on the plate. You are also concerned with the way we eat, can you elaborate on what you mean by that?

NO QUICK FIX: According to Nøss, there are several factors one can become aware of in order to deal with food cravings.  Photo: Eirik Malmo / Frisk forlag

NO QUICK FIX: According to Nøss, there are several factors one can become aware of in order to deal with food cravings. Photo: Eirik Malmo / Frisk forlag

– It is common for people to swallow their food, often while on the go. One should sit down, chew the food and be calm around the meal, without other disturbing elements.

No to “no-food”

Nøss is for food to be a joy and she therefore believes that you should not refuse certain types of food.

– You can eat a little of what may be unhealthy, but avoid large amounts such as eating a large bar of chocolate. It’s about limiting yourself.

Lise Marie Nøss says there is no simple solution to getting rid of food cravings, as it is influenced by several factors. Three factors she believes one can become more aware of in order to deal with cravings are:

– Prioritizing sleep, drinking enough water throughout the day and being active.


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