Erika Hernández / Reform Agency

Monday, January 02, 2023 | 17:06

Mexico City.- Opposition leaders and legislators, businessmen, advisors and electoral magistrates unanimously celebrated that the presidency of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation fell into the hands of Norma Piña.

They considered that the Highest Court gave a sign of independence, for which they asked the new owner not to be pressured by the federal Executive.

All the political actors celebrated that she is the first woman to preside over the Supreme Court.

Both the PAN parliamentary groups and its national leader, Marko Cortés, agreed that an autonomous and independent Judiciary is necessary, and this must be demonstrated in the constitutional controversies and protections that are pending.

“The balance of powers is an essential condition for a full democratic life, and it is only possible to achieve this balance with an autonomous and impartial action. Today more than ever, Mexico needs strong and reliable institutions that guarantee the protection of our rights and freedoms” , affirmed the PAN bench in the Senate.

The national leader added: “Given the constant attacks by this government against the Constitution and the division of powers, Norma Piña has our support to defend and assert her independence, as well as not to tolerate any more whims of López Obrador.”

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, PAN member Santiago Creel, affirmed that he had the collaboration of legislators and recalled that an efficient, timely and reliable judicial system is needed in Mexico.

“That gives each Mexican the certainty that they act with absolute impartiality, free of pressure and in total adherence to the law,” he said.

The PRD members spoke in the same direction.

“I celebrate the SCJN’s decision to exercise its autonomy, by appointing Minister Norma Lucía Piña as its first female president and defeating the authoritarian impulses of López Obrador. Long live the balance of powers!” said PRD leader Jesús Zambrano.

The leader of that party in San Lázaro, Luis Cházaro, assured that the government’s pressures to impose Yasmín Esquivel, who, he demanded, must resign, as would happen in any democratic country, did not work.

“The autonomy of the institutions must be defended against authoritarian claims,” ​​he said.

The leader of Movimiento Ciudadano, Clemente Castañeda, assured that Piña has demonstrated independence, thus guaranteeing a balance of powers.

“I recognize the career of Minister Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena. I regret the lynching campaign orchestrated from the Presidency of the Republic to intervene in the affairs of the Court. All our solidarity,” he said.

The national PRI also congratulated the Minister: “We are sure that her work will be decisive for the preservation of the constitutional order and the institutions of our country.”

The senators of the Plural Group assured that the Supreme Court imposed its independence and that Piña has a clean title and an independent judicial career.

In this election, the independent legislators affirmed without mentioning names, whoever for the last four years tried to twist the Constitution and please the powerful loses.

Electoral advisers affirmed that in this new stage of the Supreme Court, independence will be decisive, and they insisted that it is a great step for Mexico that it is a woman.

“The independence of the Federal Judiciary will be extremely important for the preservation of the constitutional order and for the future of our democracy. It is great news for all of us to have a (professional and independent) woman, for the first time in history, at the head of the SCJN”, indicated the president of the INE, Lorenzo Córdova.

The electoral magistrates recognized Piña’s commitment to democracy, institutionality, defense of the rule of law and ethics.

Even business leaders also celebrated Piña’s designation.

“The Mexican Business Council congratulates Minister Norma Lucía Piña, who today became the first woman to be appointed President of the SCJN. We trust that the next four years the highest court will continue to be a worthy guarantor of the Rule of Law”, pointed out the leader of CMN, Antonio del Valle.

Organizations such as Concamin and the Business Coordinating Council also congratulated themselves.

“We trust in their ability to contribute to the development and good performance of the country’s highest Constitutional Court,” said the CCE.

And in Morena they trust a good role for Pineapple

Leaders and members of Morena accepted the decision of the ministers to elect Norma Piña as president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, and they trusted that she will do a good job.

However, some stressed that it came during the six-year term of Enrique Peña Nieto.

“That a woman presides over such an important body is another sign of the transformation we are experiencing and we celebrate it. Congratulations and we hope she does a good job in favor of justice,” said Mario Delgado, national leader of Morena.

The general secretary of the party, Citlalli Hernández, added: “What has been said: the public is becoming more public every day. It is the first time that an election for the presidency of the SCJN is so widely seen.

“Minister Norma Lucía Piña has had the majority of the votes; she will be the first woman to preside over the Court. Let it be for the good of Mexico and its justice.”

Senators and deputies limited themselves to recognizing that it is a woman who heads the Highest Court.

“I celebrate the appointment of Minister Norma Lucía Piña Hernández. The fact that it is a woman who heads the Judiciary for the first time stands out. Congratulations for justice and equality in Mexico. Success,” said the coordinator of deputies, Ignacio Wed.

The senator from Morena and former minister, Olga Sánchez Cordero, highlighted the “outstanding judicial career” of the new president of the Supreme Court.

“All the success in his management against the SCJN. It is time for human rights and it is time for women,” he said.

Morena activists, to whom the leadership has given weight to their opinions, recalled that she was elected during Peña’s six-year term.

“There is an outcome for the case of the SCJN: Lucía Piña, Minister who arrived in the six-year term of EPN is the new one, and the first president of the Supreme Court,” said Camila Martínez.

Another of his colleagues, Abraham Mendieta, added: “Norma Piña elected as President of the SCJN, thus avoiding the arrival of the Calderonist extreme right to the presidency of the Court.”

The former Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, affirmed that she remembered some phrases of the new head of the SCJN, and assured that being the first woman in charge of that court, the glass ceiling was broken.

Contrary to opposition actors, few Morenistas have spoken out about Piña’s triumph.


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