Antonio Baranda/Reform Agency

Sunday, January 01, 2023 | 11:32

Mexico City.- In the midst of the controversy that surrounds Minister Jasmín Esquivel, the National Action Party (PAN) affirmed that the decision of the Ministers on who will preside over the Court should contribute to strengthening and not weakening said institution.

Marko Cortés, national leader of the blue and whites, warned in a statement that the country’s highest court has to take care of its credibility and honor, as well as generate a true balance of powers.

“The decision of the Ministers on who will preside over the SCJN must contribute to strengthening it and not weakening it, it must take care of the credibility and honor of the institution that guarantees justice in Mexico.”

Without mentioning the Minister, who aspires to preside over the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Cortés emphasized that the institution that guarantees justice must also guarantee absolute respect for the legality and defense of the Constitution, beyond persons and posts.

Regarding the investigation carried out by UNAM to determine if Esquivel plagiarized the content of his thesis in the 1980s, the PAN leader urged the university authorities to resolve the case conclusively and in a timely manner.

“The university authorities should resolve in a conclusive and timely manner a matter of the greatest academic importance and for justice in Mexico, demonstrating that it is up to the task that our maximum house of studies deserves,” he pointed out.

The UNAM confirmed the plagiarism of the thesis involving Minister Esquivel, but on December 31, it postponed its decision on the delimitation of responsibilities to gather additional information and, if necessary, call the parties involved.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the Rector of the UNAM, Enrique Graue, confirmed the existence of plagiarism, since the theses of Esquivel and Édgar Ulises Báez have coincidences of more than 90 percent.

Although he believes that Báez’s thesis, published in 1986, was plagiarized, Graue reported that he received a notarized statement from the author of that thesis who admits to having taken paragraphs from the document allegedly prepared by Esquivel.

‘We will take care of succession in INE’

On another issue, Cortés announced that one of his commitments as a party in 2023 will be to “particularly” take care of the selection of the four new advisers of the National Electoral Institute, and the two magistrates of the Superior Chamber of the federal Electoral Tribunal.

“Our commitment as a political institution for 2023 will be to continue being the strongest and clearest opposition in Mexico, we will take particular care of the integration of the 4 new advisers of the National Electoral Institute and the 2 magistrates of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal”, he pointed out.

“As well as the appointments of the five regional magistrates and all the local ones that are renewed.”

This year, the INE and the superior room of the TEPJF will have relays of some of their members. On April 3, the term of the President of the INE, Lorenzo Córdova, and the electoral councilors Ciro Murayama and José Roberto Ruiz, as well as Adriana Favela, will end.

For their part, in the Superior Chamber of the Court, on October 31, 2023, magistrates José Luis Vargas and Indalfer Infante concluded their posts.

Both electoral bodies have been subjected to intense controversy, since the presidential initiative for constitutional electoral reform, rejected by Congress, proposed the election by popular vote for these positions. This will no longer happen like this.

For this 2023, Cortés wanted the increase in violence and insecurity to stop, inflation and price escalation to be controlled, and health services to be restored.

“Our commitment for 2023 will be to continue taking care of the Country, being the strongest and clearest opposition, working and proposing alternatives to the growing problems, in order to correct Mexico’s course in 2024,” he stated.

“That the escalation of prices and the highest inflation in the last 20 years be controlled because families no longer have enough for anything, that health services be restored, returning at least the medical care and medicines guaranteed by Seguro Popular “.

The PAN leader affirmed that his party will prevent what he described as the destructive stain of Morenista from continuing to advance in Coahuila and the State of Mexico, entities that will have elections this year.

He stressed that this year they will continue working to build a winning project in 2024 that corrects the course of Mexico and joins all Mexicans who see that “things are going from bad to worse.”

“We will continue proposing alternatives to the country’s growing problems. Faced with the resounding failure of the López Obrador government, this year society will begin to reflect on all the broken promises and the country’s growing problems,” he added.

“In complete contrast to our good state and municipal governments, which will continue to demonstrate with facts that there is indeed another for Mexico. With the hope of a better country, Acción Nacional will work so that 2023 is better than recent years and will lay the foundations for the future project that will correct the course and change Mexico”.


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