Redacción NIUS

The US Coast Guard has announced that a remote-controlled robot has discovered a debris field near the search area for the submersible headed for the ‘Titanic’. The authorities are “evaluating that data”, as they have tweeted this Thursday.

What is not known at the moment is if these debris are related or not with the submersible. This afternoon a press conference is scheduled to expand on this information.

The Coast Guard will verify through various techniques Whether this debris in the search area for the missing Titanic submersible is related to the submarine, Maximilian Cremer, director of the Ocean Technology Group at the University of Hawaii Marine Center, told CNN.

This news of the discovery of the debris comes just when the remaining oxygen has run out. The experts had established 7:08 a.m. local time (1:08 p.m. peninsular time in Spain) this Thursday as the approximate threshold at which the five people traveling aboard the Titan would run out of oxygen. The submarine disappeared on Sunday and, without any opening, the survival margin on board is estimated at 96 hours.

Despite the fact that the hopes of finding them alive are increasingly remote, this Thursday two new ships from Canada and France have arrived in the Atlantic area where the Titan submersible is being sought.

The search continues from the sea and from the air. The French ship ‘L’Atalante’ and the Canadian ‘Horizon Arctic’ have already deployed their own robots, which in the case of the latter ship has reached the seabed, according to the US Coast Guard.

A Coast Guard spokesman, John Mauger, confirmed this Thursday in an interview with NBC News that “the search and rescue work continues” and he has said that, apart from the scientific data that can be collected, there is also the factor of the “will to live”. For now, the only clue has been some underwater noises of which the origin has not been determined.

For now, the only clue has been some underwater noises of which the origin has not been determined. On board the Titan travel the founder of the company that organizes these expeditions, Stockton Rush, British businessman and adventurer Hamish Harding, French explorer Paul Henry Nargeolet, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman.


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