Details of the murder of Venezuelan rapper Canserbero are revealed

CARACAS.- The Venezuelan justice system sentenced two brothers accused of the death of the man to 25 years in prison. rapper Cancerberoreported this Friday fiscal generatesl, Tarek William Saab.

“After the admission, for the crimes that the Public Ministry accused and for the body of evidence collected, the court in the case proceeded to impose a sentence of 25 years in prison on both,” said Saab in statements broadcast on government television.

“Likewise, his accomplices will be accused in the next few hours of this abominable event. To give a total of 7 deprived of liberty and 5 fugitives from justice,” Saab added on the X social network.

After reopening the case in November 2023, eight years after the death of the singer and his friend Carlos Molnar, the prosecutor’s office determined that both were murdered, ruling out the murder-suicide thesis.

On December 26, Saab presented in a statement to the press videos of confessions of the brothers Natalia and Guillermo Amstica, the “two murderers” of Tyrone González, better known as Canserbero, and Molnar.

The new investigations that included the exhumation of the remains of Canserbero, famous for songs such as “Maquiavlico”, “Es pico” and “Mundo de Piedra”, discarded the version that indicated that the rapper, 26 years old, had launched from the tenth floor of an apartment building in Maracay (Aragua state, north), after killing Carlos Molnar in a fight.

Natalia Amstica reports that she drugged Canserbero and Molnar, who was her husband, by putting a high dose of alpram – a medication to treat anxiety – in a drink, then stabbing them several times.

Later, she said that she called her brother Guillermo, a music producer, to “help” her cover up the double murder, by simulating a fight between the singer and his friend and throwing the singer’s body from a window.

The Prosecutor’s Office issued arrest warrants against police officers accused of receiving $10,000 from the Amstica brothers to cover up the crimes.

The Public Ministry also ordered the arrest of a forensic pathologist and two prosecutors who acted in the first investigations.

In 2015, Canserbero was considered by Rolling Stone magazine as the best rapper in Spanish.


Tarun Kumar

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