This 4-month-old was discovered alive on a fallen tree after being carried away by a deadly tornado
This 4-month-old was discovered alive on a fallen tree after being carried away by a deadly tornado

Sydney Moore’s 4-month-old son Lord had been sucked up by the twister and her mobile home in Clarksville, Tennessee, had had its roof sheared off by the time the tornado siren went off a week ago.

Moore, 22, claimed there was no warning and moved quickly to cover her 1-year-old son Princeton with her body.

Aramis Youngblood, 39, Moore’s boyfriend, hurried to save Lord, who was asleep in a bassinet that was caught in a whirlwind of wind and debris on Saturday night as a string of strong tornadoes and storms ripped across the state.

Then came down the walls of Moore’s mobile home. Raindrops hammered home, breaking up the sound of tearing winds. Moore recalled that Youngblood was also thrown through the air and lifted off the ground while reaching for the bassinet.

Moore emerged from under the flattened mobile home, holding her one-year-old son. “My kids are such good babies; they never cry,” the mother remarked. “I was attempting to exit with us. He wasn’t even in tears.

After a torturous ten minutes of searching through mounds of debris, Youngblood—his shoulder dislocated—found Lord, sobbing, lodged in a fallen tree approximately thirty feet from the location of their former home, according to Moore.

This 4-month-old was discovered alive on a fallen tree after being carried away by a deadly tornado

Moore compared it to a scene in a movie. “I saw Aramis approach in the drenching rain, his clothes torn, and Lord in his arms,” the witness recalled.

One tornado covered a distance of more than 40 miles.

Moore and her family were among the thousands of people displaced by the storms that struck Tennessee last Saturday, where at least two tornadoes made landfall. A vast trail of devastation was left by the storms. At least six people, including a mother and her toddler, were slain, and hundreds of homes were destroyed.

A tornado with peak winds of 125 mph struck parts of Hendersonville and the Madison suburb of Nashville, according to the National Weather Service.

One tornado tore apart homes and businesses, tore out roofs and windows, flipped over cars and trucks, and littered both counties’ roads with fallen trees and debris as it travelled Logan County is located approximately 43 miles from the Clarksville region of Montgomery County.

Moore, Youngblood, and the boys were lounging in her mobile home just prior to the tornado that made landfall in Clarksville.

According to Moore, “We just heard the wind pick up and then something put us in fight or flight mode.”

First responders were unable to reach the family because their car had been crushed by falling trees and their belongings had vanished by the time the tornado passed their Clarksville neighborhood. They strolled over a mile in search of assistance.

While we looked for paramedics, another woman assisted Moore in carrying the Lord.


Lt. Steven Bryant of Clarksville Fire Rescue was one of the first people on the scene that day. He remembered seeing people running towards the commotion and shouting. Within the arms of a police officer lay Lord. To get to each other, Bryant and the officer ducked beneath a fallen utility pole. The infant’s face was lacerated

Bryant had someone flag down an ambulance that was travelling down a nearby road. He remarked, “I mean, what perfect timing.”

Bryant claimed that the baby had stopped crying by the time he got to the ambulance.

“I could tell he was still breathing, but he had cuts on the right side of his face and was covered in mud,” the lieutenant stated.

Bryant got out of the ambulance to talk to the mother and her one-year-old while two medical professionals checked the infant.

.Moore was “clearly shaken,” according to Bryant. Lord was later given to his mother by the medics.


Bryant, who was born and raised in Clarksville and has spent 45 years living in the north Tennessee city, said, “There was so much destruction, and it’s a miracle that people weren’t more seriously injured than what they were.”

Moore remembered how the doctors gave Lord back to her and declared him to be a “perfectly healthy baby.”

To support her sister and her two nephews, Caitlyn Moore has created a GoFundMe page. To date, over $55,000 has been raised.

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting any assistance. It’s incredibly consoling,” Sydney Moore remarked. “Everything I’ve ever owned is gone.”

Thanks to only minor cuts and bruises, the majority of the family made it out alive, Caitlyn Moore wrote. Lord has skin glue applied to a cut on his ear. For the time being, the family is lodging in a hotel.

Caitlyn Moore reports, “We are told that he looked like he was placed on the tree gently.” “As if an angel had led him securely to that location.”

Caitlyn Moore stated in an interview that it’s amazing Lord is still alive. She claimed to have found a box holding their mother’s ashes, who passed away a year ago, among the belongings of her sister’s mobile home.

She stated, “We discovered her ashes entirely undisturbed, untouched.”Everything was still contained within the box.It was flawless.

Caitlyn Moore declared, “I believe in miracles and guardian angels.” “I think our mother was most likely the one who securely positioned my nephew Lord in that tree.”


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