• In 2022, at least 3 billion Internet users regularly use social networks.

  • Facebook has approximately 2.9 billion users worldwide.

  • 68 percent of Americans use the social network founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

Social networks are today the main consultation tool for people around the world. That is why currently some more than others register millions of users and daily data comes out of what they do, as an example Facebook that its vice president, Tom Alison, revealed the real use given by the more than 2 billion users who register .

The report carried out by We Are Social and Hootsuite revealed that in 2022 there are 4.620 million network users worldwide, which represents a year-on-year growth of more than 10 percent.

Real use that they give to Facebook

Currently, Facebook is considered one of the largest social networks to take off in the industry, and to date it has more than 2 billion active users around the world and each person uses the social network for different things, according to the vice president. of the company, Tom Alison.

“People keep coming (to Facebook) to connect with their friends and family because they want to see what they’re up to. They even do that with the communities that they are a part of because they have significant groups and they want to see what happens with them,” she said.

In this sense, in his new statements he highlighted that some users say they use it to be entertained, some to discover something new, or sometimes it is just to see what is happening in the world.

Therefore, this data leads the social network to make investments related to enhancing the experience and making it more comfortable for users, given the number of digital social sites that currently exist.

“I was going for the recommendations because there are a lot of people in the world doing interesting things and we want to show what it’s about beyond your network of friends,” he says.

“If something interesting is found, it is possible that it will be shared with another person and a dialogue will be generated. We combine both needs (connect and discover) so that people feel like Facebook is a good place to do it,” she says.

There are many people who are currently connected to the Internet, and it is known that social networks are platforms for social interaction that allow contact between people, companies or institutions in order to share knowledge, opinions, documents, thoughts, news, etc

Likewise, despite the great benefits that the use of social networks entails, they are not exempt from risks for the people who habitually use them.

Well, according to a study carried out by GlobalWebIndex, the main reason for using social networks, with 55 percent, is to keep in touch with friends to find out what they are doing. It is followed by keeping up with the news and current events with 41 percent and third, filling that free time that is 41 percent.

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