Today is International Emo Day

MIAMI. – This December 19th is celebrated And Emo International, a sector that is seen as a subcultural movement. The term Emo is known as Emocore: from the English “emotional hardcore.”

Emerged in Washington DC, during the 1980s, is associated with a style of rock music with an emphasis on emotional expression. Emo is linked to a movement originating in Post-Hardcore.

Marketing magazine indicates: “Although there is no specific reference to the origin of International Emo Day, it is believed that it was created by fans in the 2000s.”

In addition, it is considered that on this date not only a style of music and fashion is celebrated, there is also an emphasis on the importance of diversity, self-expression and mental health.

On the other hand, Emo fashion is identified by the use of black clothing, tight jeans, band t-shirts, studded belts. Some people incorporate spike bracelets or necklaces. Those who adhere to the Emo culture usually prepare their hairstyle with long, straight bangs that cover part of the face, often dyed in dark colors or opt for highlights.

The aesthetic tends towards melancholy and the rejection of tradition.

Emo Culture

People who follow the Emo subculture are fans of Blink-182, Green Day, My Chemical Romance and Panic! At the Disco, among others. According to records, in 2022, Nacinthe Argentine sociologist Jorge Elbaum stated that emos are more romantic and present themselves as more poetic than members of other subcultures, but they also express the damage of the world with their bodies.

In this sense, Elbaum pointed out that emo “flagellate themselves by cutting themselves, generally on the wrists, and showing as a pride, or as a tattoo in the body, the damage they did to themselves by interpreting the social damage they feel.


FUENTE: La Nacin/ Marketing Magazine/ International Day Portal

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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