After three nights, Pope Francis is scheduled to leave the hospital this Saturday. This was announced by Matteo Bruni, the spokesman for the Holy See, on Friday. After evaluating the latest medical tests, Francis is allowed to return to his apartment after inpatient treatment at the Gemelli Polyclinic. It is planned that the pontiff will already be present at the celebration on Palm Sunday in St. Peter’s Square, it said.

The 86-year-old has been treated for bronchitis since Wednesday. Thursday went well, said Bruni. At a joint dinner of the Pope with doctors, nurses, assistants and security guards, there was pizza. After breakfast on Friday, Francis read newspapers and worked, it was said.

Earlier, Giovanni Battista Re, as Dean of the College of Cardinals one of the most experienced and influential men in the Curia, announced that he was expecting Francis at the Vatican on Saturday.

The hospital admission caused a stir

Battista Re also hinted that the Pope would attend the important services scheduled for the next few days after his release. Francis could officially preside over the Masses, even if he is only expected to sit next to the altar. The celebrations will be celebrated by other churchmen, as Battista Re had already announced to the media on Thursday: he himself would hold the service on Easter Sunday. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri is planned for the Palm Sunday before.

On Thursday evening, doctors at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome announced that Francis was being treated with antibiotics for bronchitis. The spokesman for the Holy See announced that the pontiff had rested and worked a little during the day. On Friday morning, the media reported that the Argentine’s condition had continued to improve and that doctors were optimistic.

The Pope’s hospitalization caused a stir in the Catholic Church and at the Curia. Because Holy Week and then Easter are just a few days away, there are fears that Francis could not be present at the most important celebrations of the church year in the Vatican. These include the Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday with the consecration of the oils for confirmation and anointing of the sick, Good Friday with the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum, the Easter Vigil in St. Peter’s Basilica and the service on Easter Sunday in front of tens of thousands of believers in St. (dpa)

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