Trump sweeps away Haley, while she seems to have fun

MIAMI — Donald Trump’s campaign team has promised not to talk about her anymore. In any case, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Halley has never had real chances to defeat Trump. This was demonstrated by all the polls prior to the beginning of the Republican primaries and the early withdrawal of contenders with better possibilities than hers.

Rather, Haley has dedicated herself to “having fun” and traveling with money from donors to her campaign and posing in front of the cameras in search of the false protagonism that the left-wing media in the United States has built for him. In short, everything that causes harm or opposes Trump is valid for them and for those who hate the 45th president of the United States. Whether the plans are successful or not, the central objective for the so-called Democrats is to try – by any means – to eliminate the unthinkable obstacle that the former head of the Oval Office has become.

And among followers and opponents, former President Trump continues to score resounding victories, while consolidating his conservative leadership on the way to the November presidential elections.

Political harassment still doesn’t work

The Democrats and the extreme left are already convinced that the accusations, the favors of the liberal press, the incessant harassment and the discredit of the former president they have no beneficial effect to dismember the support for Trump of millions of followers. Packed stadiums and recent videos of his public events in different states recall the gigantic caravans of support in 2020; The big difference is that this time the Republicans are not going to ignore the alerts and precautions on the road to the Presidency, after having learned from the mistakes of the past.

The popular contrast is very notable with respect to Nikki Haley’s supporters; but nothing compares to the “empty disruptors” of Biden, where the cameras remain motionless in a close-up to avoid general images that would be humiliating for the tenant of the White House. Hence the desperation of the left over the advance of the Republican favorite, especially with the recent antecedent of the “extremist” winner, Javier Milei, in Argentina, a country contaminated with socialism to the core.

Trump won about 51% of voters in the Iowa caucuses, 54% in the New Hampshire primary and became the first Republican presidential candidate to win both caucuses.

And in case there were any doubts about Trump’s popularity, South Carolina, Haley’s home state and where she was governor for seven years, emerged as the best indicator. The former president won with 60% of the votes.

In Michigan, the defeat of the former United Nations ambassador was devastating: 68% to 27%, a 41% difference.

Almost all experts have ruled it out completely. But Nikki Haley is still campaigning across the country, and some Republican voters are listening to her.

A new argument for donors

Faced with consecutive defeats, Haley’s campaign looked for a new pretext or strategy to feed the hopes of donors and now she points out that she intends to “reveal Trump’s vulnerability”, a statement that has been echoed by the media. left-wing press

On the other hand, she argues that 40% of Republican Party voters support her against Trump.

“He lost 40% of the primary votes in all the early states,” Haley said at a campaign event in the suburb of Bloomington, Minnesota. “You can’t win the general elections if you can’t win that 40%,” her followers speak to her.

The reality is that the former president continues to rise in the polls, while Biden continues to plummet; and Haley, it seems, is having fun campaigning for her.

Trump is poised to win several hundred more delegates for the GOP nomination on Super Tuesday next week and could eliminate Haley by winning the official nomination weeks later.

Adrift and with little time

Haley claims that Trump is a “sinking ship,” but that perception is shared only by her, a handful of adventurers and members of her campaign on a sailboat adrift, without a captain and with little time to survive.

For his part, Biden is trying to convince voters that his serious errors are minimal and that he could fix them in a few months, something that not even his own advisors believe, much less will resonate with voters.

What Joe Biden’s team should be very clear about is that in 2016, Trump became President with the same two key issues of the moment: The immigration crisis and the economy. For both issues a possible correction is too late; and at the same time persuade tens of millions about the effectiveness of his administration, the one with the least support in the history of the nation and only compared to the failed administration of Jimmy Carter.

Meanwhile, Haley will continue enjoying her career for a nomination that was never within her reach, but that definitely gave her the opportunity to try, without still knowing exactly if her bet was for better or worse in her political future.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AP and AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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