È tempo di grande cinema su Sky e NOW with the initiative Leonardo DiCaprio Mania which starts from the next April 11 and ends on April 14 dedicated to all the intercollection of films of Leonardo Dicapriothe actor polyhedric and the talented sopraffino che potrebbe consider if the stella più splendente di Hollywood. A dirlo è il suo he storico atoriale, con una longa sfilza di produzioni cui ha partecipato spesso como protagonista y en altre ocasión indossando i panni del cattivo. A dream career, that of Leo, one of the most iconic and migliori fra le tante che Hollywood può vantare. It is a characteristic that has always characterized a protagonist of modern cinema, is the own bravery. Which one also mentions charisma, can be used when it comes to dover impersonare personaggi d’elevata caratura, like Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street or the rich owner terrier Calvin Candie in Django Unchaineduno schiavista spietato e crudele con ben poche buone intenzioni.

Leonardo DiCaprio, in the corso della sua trentennale career, He has participated in a ben quarantined film and prisoner in part to ruoli complessi. Ben prima che if you facese I will know in Romeo + Giulietta From William Shakespeare to the side of a giovanissima Claire Danes, the Los Angeles prodigy has imprisoned Genitori in blue jeans, a sitcom from South America in seven stages that from 1985 to 1992 has fatto impazzire a number spurious without equals of spectators. But we proceeded with order.

Alla scoperta della career di Leonardo DiCaprio

Story of a legendary talent

Born on November 11, 1974, his cousin comparsa was on television in the program break room adatto ai bambini, comparing successively in Saint Barbara and the first appearance in the b-movie Critters 3. A soli diciassette anni, affiancando il legendary Robert De Niro, interprets a ragazzino in Voglia di Ricominciare. A double year old, facing coppia with Johnny Depp, takes part in a complex hairdo, playing a disabled ragazzino in the dramatic film Good morning Mr. Grapeshowing critics and the public his talent, obtaining a Golden Globe nomination and another Oscar as my leading actor.

Il giovane Leonardo DiCaprioconsidered già a stella in attesa di esplodere, also figured in soon to diea western film in cui indossò i panni di The Kid, but I can take part of Return of the Nulla and in Poeti dall’Inferno, che non ebbero l’apprezzamento né dalla critica né dagli spettatori. He comes from Celtic, but he interprets Romeo Montecchi in Romeo + Giuliettaa modern chiave of the tragedy composed by the English playwright William Shakespeare.

I first anni di Leonardo DiCaprio in the cinema that counts furono costellati da piacevoli incontri with other actors, che fecero crescere di ruolo in ruolo, and thanks to some of you understand that by farsi strada it was necessary to take all the necessary time and keep your own umiltà, a value that is not mai venuto meno. Even if he had a personal occasion in his life, disputing a prestige wheel, but he does not feel anchored all high, was involved in the 1997 film The Iron Mask, inspired by the romance il Visconte di Bragelonne, winning a Razzie Award for his hair of King Luigi and Prince Filippo. In the early days, however, that period was spent giving an extraordinary success that gli avrebbe raised his career maggiormente: titanic.

Playing the young Jack Dawson, a fantasy character aboard the ocean liner, one of the most well-known of pop culture, yes, the futureobtaining a success that will lead him to verse other film degni di notaparticipating in an episode of celebrities. And after a sabbatical year, the time has come the beach, a controversial film, tratto dal romanzo di Alex Garland. The meeting with Martin Scorsese, his current friend and confidante, will be decisive for future productions, who spy on the road thanks to Gangs of New York, a brutal and violent film from the side of the legendary Daniel Day-Lewis. As he is, we do not have an abundance, will interpret the wheel of Frank Abagnale in Try to turn me on with Tom Hanks.

Leonardo Dicaprio

The period will arrive Shutter Island At the side of Michelle Williams and the meeting with Christopher Nolan, at the time of the recording of the Il Cavaliere Oscuro trilogy, figurando nell’ennesimo roolo di spessore in Inception e poco tempo dopo in Django Unchained with Quentin Tarantino, indossando i panni del crudele Calvin Candie. Leonardo DiCaprio has arrested part of The Great Gatsbyanchoring a volta fra le braccia di Martin Scorsese in The Wolf of Wall Street in the elegant tuxedo of Jordan Belfort, iconic protagonist of the American scene after the black Monday night of 1987, che fece tremare i mercati quasi eat the crollo of ’29.

After almost vent’anni di career, gets his cousin Oscar in absolute with Revenant – Redivivo, breaking a curse that was lasting the end of time. In such a sense, Leonardo DiCaprio was the only actor who did not still hold the most prestigious award in absolute, and if he was really a scavalcareer of other colleges. In 2016 he will travel a round trip around the world in Punto di non retorno – Before the Flood, counting agli spettatori the complex issue of global surriscaldamento, which he considers a decisive battaglia da vincere prima che sia troppo tardi. Next to Brad Pitt, he returns to work for Quentin Tarantino in C’era a return to… Hollywood, playing the role of Rick Dalton, a former actor of western film. His last film by him, uscito in 2020, is once the marvelous film by the author Don’t Look Up In the persona and persona of Doctor Mindy, an astronomer who studies Galaxies death and teaches a university faculty, coming to know that a comet is in a collision with planet Earth.

Leonardo DiCaprio is anchored by the future

Un’affermazione coraggiosa, direte voi. E lo è, in effect. Leonardo Dicaprioon his long artistic journey, He is capable of proiettare his talent in ogni personalità that if he is trovato to impersonate. One of her wonderful interpretations, fully articulated and studied with attention, guarded by Jay Gatsby, an affair man, a tycoon and a philanthropist who nearly recovered a long-lasting love, organizing parties and buying expensive clothing, dealing with her prestigious uomini New York degli anni ’20.

Inoltre, This film is still seen around the side of Baz Luhrmannwith which he has washed in past all the modern chiave di Romeo + Giulietta. Cosa dire, in effect, del suo ruolo de él in questa pellicola? In a theatrical and dramatic dress, the opera by the Australian registrar has been there showing off a talent that he has been striving for, and which he has given prizes for accrescere own capacity. Leonardo DiCaprio, simply, is still one of the future because he is a duttile, intelligent and mature actor. A modern actor capable of using a correct and particular language. And that he has shown, especially working with James Cameron and Christopher Nolan, tutte le sue capacità atoriali de él, e anche qualcosina in più. Le caratteristiche certamente note, specie nei suoi ruoli de él, riguardano personaggi sadti e tormentati, che scoprono atraverso avvenimenti e patemi il modo per correggersi e procedire con le proprie esistenze. A recognizable treatment is hope, with Leonardo DiCaprio who has impersonated the last, gli umani ei più soli.

If there is an actor who has interpreted più personaggi, proven approcci and changed spesso copy più di chiunque altro, this is Leonardo DiCaprio, a talent that, even today, sa parlare alla cinepresa in a way of all unique and personal, resulting raggiunto only gives Christian Bale. Nell’arco della his long career of him, He has interpreted ruoli complessi and lavorato with i registi più importanti di Hollywood, imparando il meglio e definiendo il suo percorso nel mundo del cinema com’è riuscito a Jack Nicholson ea pochi altri. A true and proper legend, d’altronde, has not the need to measure one’s own bravery, neanche dopo tutte this personal and professional conquest.

Leonardo Dicaprio

Ce ne siamo accorti subito dopo l’uscita di Don’t Look Up, che initially in pochi avevano compreso in modo efficace. Although if a film is used little, the latter has its importance, because Leonardo DiCaprio has shown all his talent soprattutto in the production targata Adam McKay. And she has un’umanità un’umanità without uguali, when she has spiegato the theme of the film that once she has not compressed it in a video on the official channel of Netflix to sensitize the person who is afraid of delicate.

Da un attore del genere, non potevamo aspettarci di meglio, e sufficeme guardare il suo portfolio atutoriale para rendersene conto. He has impersonato gli ultimi, gli innamorati ei fuggitivi, i redenti ei disperati, i malvagi ei buoni. He was a broker, a champion without a gold medal in law, a scapestrato sul Titanic, and he was a scientist with attacks of panic and pain for the future. To Leonardo DiCaprio if he can only predict altri trent’anni del genere. Anzi, addition of più.


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