After three years of ups and downs with Covid-19, Brazilians are getting ready to skip Carnival again. The number of deaths caused by the disease is falling and the number of new cases remains stable, giving revelers a feeling of greater security. But experts fear that the agglomerations of the next few days will boost the increase in new diagnoses.

“Certainly Carnival will have some impact in the 10 to 15 days after next weekend. We will probably see an increase in cases and also in deaths”, evaluates the vice president of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (Abrasco) Cláudio Maierovitch, researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Brasília Foundation (Fiocruz).

Infectologist David Urbaez, from Exame Medicina Diagnóstica, says that the country is experiencing a different phase of the pandemic thanks to the advancement of vaccination and the immunity conferred by recent infections, which should protect the general population from progressing to more serious cases and deaths.

“You would have hybrid immunity. Today, Covid-19 presents itself with much less intensity, hospitalizations, serious cases and deaths ”, he points out.

How to protect yourself?

Some more cautious revelers consider the possibility of skipping Carnival wearing a mask, but for most it is unfeasible to think about wearing protection while climbing the slopes of Olinda, jumping behind the blocks in Salvador or spending the day under the sun in Rio de Janeiro.

In this sense, infectologists recommend that the population at least be careful to update the vaccination card against Covid-19 with the two doses of the primary scheme and the available boosters.

A study carried out by the federal universities of Western Bahia (UFOB) and São Paulo (Unifesp), in partnership with Fapesp, showed in January that the third dose of the vaccine against Covid-19 is effective in neutralizing the Ômicron variant. of the coronavirus. Scientists have observed that those vaccinated have more antibodies capable of neutralizing the virus.

People with Covid-19 symptoms, however mild they may be, should think about the collective: the ideal is to get tested and follow isolation to avoid transmission of the virus, especially to the most vulnerable, such as the elderly, pregnant women and people with the weakened immune system.

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Protection for the most vulnerable

People who are not vaccinated or who have an immune system more vulnerable to infections should be extra careful in the coming days. “They must remain with all protective devices, including avoiding crowds and wearing a mask in closed places”, says Urbaez.

The doctor recommends that, when noticing the first symptoms, this population seeks medical attention to immediately start the available treatments so that the disease does not get worse.

24 hours without deaths

Brazil had on Sunday (12/2) the first day without a record of deaths from Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, according to data from the National Council of Health Secretaries (Conass). On the same day, 298 new diagnoses of the disease were recorded throughout the country.

Although these are encouraging data, health experts are cautious about the number. Maierovitch recalls that the weekend’s data are usually accounted for late due to divergences in the accounting services of the states. “I still want to see what these numbers will look like after they are corrected”, he comments.

Maierovitch understands that the Brazilian is more optimistic, but remembers that the coronavirus still kills every day, especially the most vulnerable people. “There is a general climate of optimism that is mixed with several factors. Brazilians are optimistic about democracy, the economy and, consequently, their health too, but we are still experiencing a pandemic that has important consequences, ”he says.

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