The ATE-ANAC unions convened a plenary to propose a “cessation of activities”, that would affect ground control, aviation health, and firefighters, at 54 airports across the country, just at the beginning of a long weekend, four days, for Holy Week. He unemployment It would begin on Wednesday, April 5, as announced.

The union leadership issued a statement in which they affirm on behalf of and on behalf of the ATE ANAC National Coordination, that the deadlines agreed at the last joint technical table have not been met, where “it had been agreed to call a meeting for the week that ends today”, for which they resolved to “send the notification of Unemployment National for Wednesday April 5 “.

The stoppage would affect 54 airports throughout the country. Source: (Your News)

The demand of the unions to the Public Employment office is the “modification of the allocation for performance, going to a criterion of 1.5% per year and the increase in the remuneration unit 20% above the general parity”explained to justify the unemployment. They also detailed that “issues that had been agreed upon after the last meeting were not resolved. Mandatory conciliation”, and they mentioned that “the lack of personnel or the repair of Follow Me vehicles are conspicuous by their absence”.

The text of the union statement ratifies “what is defined by the General Assembly”, and calls for the cessation of activities throughout the country. In addition, on the ATE-ANAC Twitter account, The trade unionists demand that the Argentine National Civil Aviation Administration, headed by Paola Tamburelli, “issue the notice to the aviators and the community, the restriction on flights for April 5.”

ATE-ANAC trade unionists reported a stoppage of activities for April 5. Source: (Newspaper Neuquén)

From the Chamber of Airlines in Argentina, its owner Felipe Baravalle stated that They hope “that the issue will be resolved before Easter, since many travelers reserved their tourist products for that date.” In addition, from the Argentine Federation of Associations of Travel and Tourism Companies they expressed that the news “is very bad, because passengers invest their money for a service that they have to contract with time and predictability.”


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