Innovation is being developed by scientists from UK and USA. It’s a new approach to cell therapy.

And if we could turning cancer cells into anti-cancer agents?

This is what is being done by a team of researchers from Brigham (United Kingdom) and Harvard (United States of America).

Innovation was portrayed in a study published this week in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Scientists are developing a new approach to cell therapy to eliminate already established tumors and induce long-term immunity, explains the portal ScienceDaily.

The immune system is “trained” so that it can prevent the recurrence of cancer because the Cancer cells “become vaccines and cancer killers”according to official Khalid Shah.

Through engineering geneticscancer cells were (re)used to develop a vaccine which kills tumor cells and stimulates the immune system to destroy primary tumors and prevent cancer.

Deep down, like “carrier pigeons”, living tumor cells, after long journeys inside the brain, return to other tumor cells.

The engineered tumor cells were designed to facilitate the immune system’s job of detecting, marking and remembering, preparing the immune system for such a long-term anti-tumor response.

At the same time, a light switch of security two-layer barrier on the cancer cell – when activated, eliminates therapeutic tumor cells if needed.

The team tested the dual-action vaccine to “kill” an advanced model of brain cancer in mice – and with promising results. Dual action cell therapy was safe, applicable and effective

This strategy, reinforce the researchers, could be applicable to other types of cancer; although more experience is needed.

ZAP //


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