Venezuela is prepared to advance in the conquest of its freedom

MADRID .- “Never before has Venezuela been so prepared to advance in the conquest of its freedom without a regime that seeks to break the fighting spirit of society at all levels, one of the most terrible practices it has been doing by creating barriers to divide Venezuelans,” said the political leader of the opposition, Maria Corina Machado who spoke during an extraordinary session of the Ibero-American Affairs Commission of the Senate of Spain to talk about the electoral situation in your country.

Machado used his spokesperson before the Senate of Spain to expose the irregularities committed by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro and his attempt to boycott the process, in the midst of the conquest of spaces and routes throughout the national territory that the opposition has been doing to encourage vote for change.

The opposition leader made it clear that there is unity to face an electoral process with many obstacles, but with faith in the Venezuelan people. With 48 days left until the contest, she said she feels proud of how the people subjected to the regime’s terror have taken to the streets to accompany this unitary process. “People walking for up to four hours, without gasoline, without public transportation, without means of communication to report our journeys. We notify our visits perhaps sometimes less than 24 hours in advance and yet all the roads in the country are full, there are entire families who even bring their children.”

More than a conventional electoral process for Venezuelans, they have become an ethical fight for the truth, thereby recalling the situation experienced by leaders of their Vente party, sheltered in the Argentine embassy, ​​and by other prisoners in El Helicoide, the main center of country torture

She referred to what happened recently on one of her tours through southern Venezuela where she and her campaign team stopped to have breakfast at a roadside stand and soon the country’s tax authority arrived in retaliation to close the establishment.

“But far from the Hernández sisters becoming a terror event, the owners of the business became the subject of popular rebellion and now citizens from all over Venezuela and other parts of the world are buying empanadas, a typical Venezuelan dish. , at a distance so that they distribute them to the children of that town.”

He added that this is the response that is occurring because Venezuelans want to rescue their freedom. He referred to forced migration and thanked Spain for having welcomed so many compatriots. He spoke of the prohibition that the regime made so that the European Union had no observation, thereby violating the Barbados Agreement and said that despite this refusal, the international community is attentive to the entire process, so there is already surveillance.

Beyond international observation María Corina Machado asked the parliamentary groups “to have faith in what we can do. I am confident that Venezuela will be free and our children will return home,” said María Corina Machado in an emotional moment .

“Do much more,” he asked the parliamentary groups present in whose interventions they did not fail to rescue the courage and strength of María Corina Machado who works to achieve victory with Edmundo González Urrutia. Beyond ideological differences, the freedom of a country is at stake, Machado emphasized. She even brought up the question of how it is possible that she, who won with more than 90% of the votes in the opposition’s primary process, is not the candidate.

Listen to his speech here:

Embed – Ibero-American Affairs Commission – June 10, 2024 – 4 p.m.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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