You are currently viewing Victoria Beckham tells what her first meeting with David Beckham was like

The Netflix documentary about the life of David Beckham will bring to light some unknown family and sporting stories of one of England’s greatest footballers. The audiovisual project, which will premiere on October 4, discovers what the first meeting between Victoria and David Beckham was like and what the first steps of their relationship were like.

After one of Beckham’s games with Manchester United, Victoria entered the area intended for soccer players. “They were all at the bar, but he was talking to his parents. I am a very familiar person and I really liked that side of him.”, he said in front of the camera. “I just liked it. It’s as easy as that,” she added.

Although the two were not yet together, the singer constantly went to see the man who later became her husband. ““Some would say I was doing it to harass him, but in reality I was doing it to see him.”has emphasized a feeling that, as David later confesses, was reciprocal.

The first time I talked to her, I just liked her.“said Beckham, admitting that he had previously noticed Victoria when seeing her in some video clips of the Spice Girls. And although there was an obvious attraction for both parties, The midfielder did not dare to ask her out out of embarrassment.

However, the relationship ended up falling under its own weight, although the media profiles of both forced them to remain completely secret in parking lots despite the fact that David’s mother did not like the courtship. “We were worried about losing everything we had achieved, because football came first and, suddenly, it was no longer”, he admits in the documentary.

Finally, they both got married three years after meeting each other. and, over the years, they have formed a large family made up of four children: Brooklyn (24), Romeo (20), Cruz (18) and Harper (11).

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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