You are currently viewing VIDEO Fire at two decommissioned carriages located between the Grant and Basarab bridges / Firefighters intervened with seven special vehicles / Train traffic is not affected

A fire engulfed two decommissioned train cars located between the Grant Bridge and the Basarab Bridge, announces the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Bucharest Ilfov. Seven fire trucks with water and foam and two SMURD ambulances were dispatched, according to the quoted source.

Fire in the Basarab Station areaPhoto: Facebook capture

UPDATE 13:09 New details about the incident from CFR INsfrastructura: “Around 12:45, in the Basarab technical group (Group B), a fire broke out in a decommissioned wagon, stationed on line 3 B. The intervention of the military firefighters was requested. The circulation of trains from Basarab and Bucharest Nord stations is not affected.”

A video clip posted by a Facebook user shows thick smoke rising in the area.

A violent fire also took place in December 2022 in the Basarab Station area.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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