You are currently viewing VIDEO The Ukrainian army will receive for the first time “ShaBlia”, a new domestically developed combat system

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has approved the front-line use of the ShaBlia (“Saber”) weapon system, a remote-controlled combat module that was developed by Ukrainian engineers, reports Ukrainian Pravda.

Ukrainian soldiers in the trenchesPhoto: AA/ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia

The Ministry of Defense led by Rustem Umerov approved the transfer of 3 combat modules of this type to the troops under his command. The “ShaBlia” system was designed for reconnaissance and target identification missions on the battlefield, combating light combat vehicles and firing on enemy positions.

“Thanks to the teamwork of developers and the “Accelerator” program of the Ministry of Defense, it was possible to overcome the obstacles to ShaBlia’s entry into active service. We are glad that the Ukrainian ShaBlia system is appreciated not only by our soldiers and the Ministry of Defense, but also by great friends of Ukraine such as former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson,” said the head of the development team in a Telegram post.

Boris Johnson expressed his admiration for this remotely controlled combat system during a visit to Ukraine.

According to the developers at Roboneers, the system operator uses a remote control unit and a monitor, which allow him to fight from behind the front. The combat platform can be used in a stationary role, but can also be mounted on other combat vehicles for active use on the front.

This combat system began to be developed by Ukrainian engineers before the start of the full-scale Russian invasion on February 24 of last year.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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