Vinnie Jones: the former footballer who became an actor, and who now turns to agriculture

Few celebrities have managed to be as multidisciplinary as Vinnie Jones. A man who began a career in the world of football, specifically in Wimbledon Football ClubWith whom He won the FA Cup in 1988, and where he stood out as a defensive midfielder, with an aggressive and intimidating, and even violent, game, carrying the nickname of The Psychopath.. Some qualities that led him to shine in other teams such as Leeds United, el Sheffield United y el Chelseaamong others, and to play with the selection of Galeswhere he was also captain.


The charismatic player born in Watford had to put on the goalkeeping gloves in a match against Newcastle at St. James’ Park in 1995. He conceded three goals in 30 minutes.Ross KinnairdGetty Images

A career that, however, took a complete turn in the script, as cinema appeared on the scene. In 1998, he made his debut as actor from the hand of Lock and Stock, where he coincided with another face of the big screen like Jason Statham, and which led him to win the Empire award for best debut actor. He really enjoyed filming, and that led him to be part of a multitude of other films, such as Snatch y X-Men: The Last Standamong other.

Vinnie Jones was considered one of the most violent players in the world of football, and this also transferred him, in a certain way, to the big screen, obtaining roles as an antagonist, as a villain, where he was very comfortable. In fact, a clear example is the film Escape Planwhere he met two industry heavyweights such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.

But, the footballer not only wanted to dedicate himself to acting, but also to songand that’s why he even released his own album, Respectin 2002.

Will have its own agriculture program

Now, after a lot of trotting on the big screen, and at 58 years old, Vinnie Jones is going through a new stage in his life. After passing through the stadiums, and shining in Hollywood, Its present and future passes through television and agriculturebeing the protagonist of his own program, Vinnie Jones: In The Countryon Discovery+, where you can see the kinder and more carefree side of a celebrity who has never shined for it.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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