Axl Rose, from Guns N Roses, accused of sexual assault by actress Sheila Kennedy

Axl Rosethe vocalist of Guns N Roseshas just been accused of sexual assault. A lawsuit that comes on the eve of the expiration of a law that allows victims of sexual violence to denounce their alleged aggressors even if the facts have expired, the ley Adult Victims Act.

In the case of the artist, he has been accused this Wednesday of having sexually assaulted the American actress and model Sheila Kennedy. Some events that supposedly took place in 1989, when the band was at its peak.

In the brief presented by the model’s lawyers electronically to the New York County Supreme Court, Sheila Kennedy points out that Axl Rose sexually assaulted her in a New York hotel room after meeting in one of the city’s nightclubs. Rose used her fame, status and power as a celebrity and performer in the music industry. to have access to manipulate, control and violently attack Kennedyreads in his complaint, where also economic compensation is requested for emotional, physical, financial and psychological damages that he would have suffered.

Axl Rose, an aggressive and violent guy

The 10-page lawsuit also describes the Guns N Roses singer as an aggressive, violent type with hostile sexual behavior. A behavior that he seeks to exemplify in his statements, pointing out that he first went to a party in his hotel room, but given the uncomfortable and disturbing moment, he decided to leave it with a friend of Rose’s, although later The singer followed him and forced him to return, dragging her like a caveman. to his room, where he tied her hands and abused hersupposedly.

Sheila Kennedy felt she had no escape and was forced to consent.. And, in addition, she claims that Axl Rose was under the influence of drugs at that time, having treated her as property used for his own sexual pleasure.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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