Virtual event brings together Hispanic leaders to talk about well-being

MIAMI.- From June 3 to this Sunday, the 9th, the Flow Summit 2024 takes place, a meeting virtual that brings together the most influential leaders and experts in the world of spirituality in Spanish. spanish

It is event -organized by the platform– offers a showcase of knowledge, tools and transformative experiences for all those seeking to achieve greater well-being and connection with their inner being.

An event to awaken consciousness

The Flow Summit 2024 has in this edition the participation of experts such as Maritza Rodrguez, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra, Gabor Mat, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Paz Calap, Enrique Jurado, Vikrampal, Alberto Villoldo, Anita Moorjani, Marcela Lobos , Pilar Sordo, Ángel María Herrera and many more, who accompany the participants on a journey of self-knowledge, reflection, expansion and growth.

An example of these themes is the Great planetary change: how to prepare and emerge victorious, dictated by the communicator and instructor of the Cyclopea method of internal activation of the pineal gland. In this conference the expert shares her knowledge and some keys to enhance personal growth through the activation of the pineal gland.

This is how Flow Summit 2024 offers more than 70 hours of content this week from 92 speakers. Those interested can enter the conferences for free through

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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