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Israel’s Diaspora Minister considers Sánchez “responsible” for there being “more victims” in Gaza

The Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Anti-Semitism, Amichai Chikliaffirms that the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchezis “one of the worst” political leaders in the world and considers him even “responsible” for there being “more victims” in the Gaza Strip and the release of the hostages is delayed, due to initiatives such as that of recognize the Palestinian State in the short terma “prize” for terrorism in his opinion.

Chikli, one of the international leaders invited this weekend to the political event ‘Europa Viva 24’ organized by Vox in Madrid, affirms in an interview with Europa Press that “leaders like Sánchez they make the war (in the Gaza Strip) last longer,” because “encourages Hamas to continue fighting and gives “hope” to other actors in the area such as Hezbollah or Iran.

The minister insists that the Spanish president has “the broken moral compass“and demands greater solidarity towards Israel in the face of “the worst massacres against Jews since the Holocaust”, in reference to the attacks perpetrated on October 7.

The list of reproaches includes an alleged lack of forcefulness in condemnation of the Iranian attack April and the press conference offered by Sánchez on the Egyptian side of the Rafá crossing in November and which, according to Chikli, was “against Israel.” He aspired, in his opinion, to “take advantage” of the release of the hostagesto the point that he does not even consider that Sánchez has “visited” Israel, because “it is not enough to be alone physically.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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