The Minister of Education, Oscar Becerraassured that Tuesday, January 24, that the classes of the current school year will start in the fortnight of March Despite the protests taking place in the country, the blockades of roads and alleged threats against the educational material distributed by his office

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“We are not going to postpone the start of classes. We are taking measures to protect the material from these people who, in their ignorance, allow themselves to be intimidated or manipulated by professional bullies,” said the minister during a press meeting in San Juan de Miraflores, where he went to verify the conditions of a school.

Minister of Education Ósca Becerra on the School Year: We are not going to postpone classes

According to the 2023 school calendar, classes will begin on Monday, March 13but to the violent demonstrations and the blockade of roads, which harm the distribution of educational material to different areas of the country, has been added the threat of burning the trucks that are in charge of transporting books and others.

Faced with this situation, the minister assured that the decision has been taken to stop the departure of trucks to avoid risks or that they stay halfway. “We hope that dialogue will prevail and that the roads will be freed. We are on time,” said the minister.

“In relation to remote and difficult-to-access areas, we are going to build air bridges,” he indicated with respect to the jurisdictions furthest away from the country where it takes several weeks to bring educational material by land.

“It is sad to recognize that the leader of this criminal gang has been a teacher”

Regarding the protests taking place in the country and



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