We Cubans warm up the United States

A Cuban who lives in Texas assured that the emigrants who come from Cuba are the ones who warm the United States.

Onel Aparicio, who identifies himself on his networks as El Pacho viral, usually broadcasts comic videos in which he talks about life in that country.

On this occasion, he referred to how Cubans boast in their daily lives with their ostentatious way of dressing, their luxurious cars, their latest technology cell phones and even the amount of drink they drink, in contrast to Americans, who are much more discreet. .

“You arrive at a meeting of doctors or lawyers here and no one is wearing a Gucci sweater or a Versace cap. However, you arrive at an office of food stamp and everyone is dressed in designer clothes, from the flip flops to the plush hair,” he explained.

According to Pacho, in the neighborhoods with two million dollar houses you can see trucks and cars from 2016 parked.

“But you go to a Cuban condominium and we have that full of Mercedes, it looks like a dealer from Germany,” he boasted.

“So, gentlemen, don’t talk to me, we are the ones who keep this country warm,” he stressed with humor.

Recently, this father of the family stated that The United States is a boring country and he advised his compatriots on the Island who are willing to emigrate, think carefully and prepare, because “this is not for everyone.”

In one of the videos, he told what happens when he goes to look for bread, and why he misses so much how people lived in Cuba.

“I arrived, bought and left, in a matter of five minutes. Gentlemen, it’s boring, I remember that I used to go to the bakery in Cuba and that was three hours in line, you found out everything, it was delicious. Here it’s super boring “, he ironized.

In another recording, made from a plane, the young man was upset because he was going to Las Vegas and the flight only lasted three hours to cover a thousand miles.

“Cuba is rich, I moved just 20 kilometers, ten miles, and I spent a whole day and part of the night. That is life. Not this,” he expressed.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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