Weretilneck balances between Massa and the Milei effect to fight in October

The slap of Javier Miley that shocked the national coalitions in the PASOs also went to the governor-elect of Black river, Alberto Weretilneck. His list, the green one from Juntos Somos Río Negro, did not exceed 10 points and was well away from the domestic version of Freedom Advances, which ran in alliance with the Fe party and was the winner in the province, in elections that put three places in the Chamber of Deputies at stake. Needing representation in Congress so as not to lose bargaining power, the head of the provincial ruling party announced that he will burn the ships to retain the bench obtained in 2019, when he distributed his short ballot along with the ballots of the presidential candidates with the greatest adhesion.

“I have my doubts about the final position that each one has to assume, I don’t know if it’s okay to run somewhere because there is already one on the right,” said the senator, slipping some details of the strategy he devises to jump the version of national thirds that buried his list under the blank vote last Sunday.

While reshuffling the agenda after the primary, Weretilneck dropped the order to reset the campaign. With the intention of touching the fiber of his troops, he called a party meeting to analyze the result of the PASO and entrusted the referents of each town with a detailed analysis, planned for September, after the municipal elections in San Carlos de Bariloche that will be held on Sunday 3.

Before participating next week in a forum of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AmCham) on the future of energy, he anticipated in a couple of radio appearances what to expect: the entire structure of Juntos Somos Río Negro, with its mayors, councils and parliamentary representation, must contribute the militant sweat quota so that Luis DiGácomo do not lose the place you have in the Chamber of Deputies.

For now, they warn those around the senator, it is unfeasible for him to rule in favor of a candidate as happened in 2015, when he traveled to be photographed with Daniel Scioli after reaching an agreement with Sergio Massa. At that time, the break occurred with Weretilneck distanced himself from the Kirchner government, which planted Miguel Angel Pichetto in the Rio Negro instance of June of that year to dispute the governorship. Now, one of the factors that sustains the decision not to express his support for the leader of the Renewal Front, they say, is the presence of martin soria -an old enemy in the province- at the top of the list of Unión por la Patria.

Neither is a segmented work expected out loud, as is the case in the Neuquén Popular Movement (MPN), today tied to the fate of the governor-elect. rolando figueroa. The party founded by the Sapag nurtured various presidential lists and transferred votes to Massa, Bullrich and Larreta. What is striking is that important leaders, such as those from the oil sector, sat down at one of the tables seeking to collect votes in favor of the Minister of Economy.


The envelope in which the JSRN militancy distributed its ticket in 2019. It did so with that of Macri, Fernández and Lavagna.

In 2019, Weretilneck came to the Senate with a delivery of national tickets. The militancy advanced with an old trick. He used an envelope with the legend “Important Information”, which contained the Patagonian proposal and the ballot of the three main applicants to reach the Casa Rosada: the then president Mauricio Macri, Alberto Fernandez y Roberto Lavagna.

Among the first analyzes carried out with the scrutiny of 13A, in the national government they let run the version about the hunt for a million votes dispersed in the provincial instances, which in the majority were unfolded to the national one. Río Negro, which together with Neuquén elected authorities in April, presented itself as one of the redoubts in which pan-Peronism was imposed with authority in most national instances. Now, it is one more district to recover.

JSRN does numbers

The reappearance of Weretilneck is part of the need to discount votes to the proposals of Together for Change and Union for the Homeland. The apathy with the green ballot was so great that he lost with the blank vote. Di Giácomo was close to 9.22% (35,662 votes) against 10.01% for white (39,728 votes).

Soria reached 22.62% (87,433 votes) and was second despite the cut that was registered tied to the list of Massa and the social leader Juan Grabois. The Minister of Justice obtained almost 20,000 votes less than the presidential section of UP.

In Together for Change (JxC), Sergio Capozzi was imposed on the businessman Robert Brusa. The alliance reached 19.46% (75,224 votes) and it took almost 30 thousand votes of advantage to provincialism. Overcoming Capozzi would be the primary objective of JSRN to turn around an adverse scenario, taking into account the 34.07% (131,699 votes) of the libertarian Lorraine Villaverdeto whom they believe they can discount the difference due to the lack of structure in the municipalities.

With greater territorial deployment, the state apparatus on the street and a powerful inspection team in October, Weretilneck once again put the campaign on his shoulder. Affording to lose a bishop in Congress could be too expensive for him.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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