What are ninots, how are they made and why are they burned during the Valencia Fallas?

Valencia in March It becomes the center of all eyes. The reason? The celebration of his Major weekcrowned with the Failures. In this festival, several figures are made, which are known by the name of dolls. These elements are displayed until the last day in the streets, for the use and enjoyment of the population.

On the day of San Josthe big day of this celebration, in settings like the Town Hall Square of the capital of Turia, these figures are burned in the act known as the crem. Many know about this event, but few know the meaning and origin of this concept, one of the most popular and well-known each year during the course of the years. Failures Valencians.

The ninot, a very characteristic element of the Fallas

First of all, it should be highlighted what a ninot is. This is one of the most characteristic figures of the Failures, since it is part of the place and the different scenes that appear in the monuments of these festivals. It should be mentioned that the material with which they are constructed is cardboard, a type that is highly appreciated for this celebration, since it facilitates their burning quickly and safely.

These elements are usually placed in the different streets of Valencia, as an exhibition, for the enjoyment of the citizens who come to experience this celebration. Its message is clearly ironic and satirical, since it shows a certain tone of mockery about the most varied topics of today, such as politics, sports, society.

Cardboard or white cork, some of the most popular production methods

Another of the most important points that should be highlighted about ninots is their preparation. According to OK Diarioit is worth mentioning that one of the most traditional ways of preparing these figures, which become more relevant with the passage of time, is directly related to cardboard.

In this case, we start with a drawing prior to manufacturing, in which it is clear which figure we want to reproduce. After this process, a model is made with clay, which can serve as a mold. After this, the cardboard comes into action, accompanied by glue, and, right after, the different parts of the cardboard are joined and extracted. doll to be able to represent it correctly, and have the desired scene for the Failures.

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting the existence of white cork. This is another of the most used ways when making a ninot. The process begins, like the previous one, with a sketch. On this occasion, this is where the difference starts, since this drawing is carved in polystyrene. Likewise, computer designs can play a fundamental role, since the shapes and, therefore, the manufacturing of the figure that will be burned may depend on them. March, 19.

The carpenter, origin of the burning of the Fallas figures

Another of the most important elements that must be taken into account about the Failures It has to do with the central act of this tradition, those considered as crems. In this case, the figures that have been exhibited until now March, 19yes of San Josare burned, except the pardoned one, which will be exposed in the known as Fallero Museum.

To know the reason for this burning, we must remember the origin of the Failures, since they occur in an ancient custom of the carpentry profession. These, the 18th of the third month of March, the eve of the 19th, they gathered to burn wooden objects and anything that could be considered useless. The settings for these actions were very diverse, since they could be carried out in front of carpentry workshops or in squares and streets.

With the passage of time, especially after the century XVIIIlas Failures They became loaded with a satirical and ironic sense, like the one we know today.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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