season 9 of “At the bottom there is room” It came to an end, closing the return of the Gonzalez and the Maldini. Between Christmas celebrations, each family had to deal with their own problems, whether it was reaching old age or incurring generational traumas. Although this sounds more serious than it actually was. In addition, the América TV series culminated with an incredible revelation about the villain of the first installment, Claudia Zapata, better known as “The Shark Look”.

The most recent season premiered on June 22, 2022 and brought back many of the protagonists like Mónica Sánchez, Erick Elera, Yvonne Frayssinet, Magdyel Ugaz, among others.

In addition, added new characters like the family of Diego Montalvan, played by María Grazia Gamarra, Karime Scander and Franco Pennano.

Although in its first episode it achieved a high rating score, as the episodes have passed, It has been widely criticized for its narrative inconsistencies.the lack of development of the characters (despite having spent 5 years) and the exaggeration of stereotypes, which did not achieve their purpose: to be funny.

Next, we will tell you what happened in the last episode of season 9 of “In the background there is room”, which aired on December 23, 2022, a few days before Christmas.


The last episode of “Al fondo hay sitio” was located at Christmas time, similar to the context we are currently experiencing. At first, the events that occur are strange, because they don’t seem so dramatic as for a season finale.

Between Jaimito and Alessia there was a curious exchange of lunch boxes. At first, young Montalván was reluctant to eat tuna bread (what’s wrong with tuna bread?), but then she waited every morning to see what the younger González would surprise her with, which showed Little by little, the connection that was forming between them.

For his part, the friction between Diego and Francesca in previous episodes led the chef to seek, quickly, comfort in a stranger and had weird private monologues about virtual dating at her age.

In this episode, Montalván is particularly villainous, when he refuses to celebrate Christmas (very Grinch-esque), but also ruin the celebration for everyone else. Even after they shared a nice moment with the Gonzalezes, eating dinner on the street after a blackout in their respective houses.


Will Don Gilberto die soon?

One of the saddest aspects of the episode has been the mental deterioration that Don Gilberto has suffered. It is probably a case of Alzheimer’s or dementiabecause we have seen him confused, disoriented, unable to remember events such as the closure of his store or what Peter told him in confidence.

The worst of all is that think you are talking tohis dove”, that is, with Doña Nelly. Considering all that and that the character himself said that this would be “The Last SupperWhat will happen to your family? it is most likely that Gustavo Bueno’s character is in his last days.

Peter bought the Gonzalez house?

While everyone, including the Gonzalezes and the Maldinis, thought that it had been Pepe’s father who had bought another house in case something happened, it was revealed that fIt was Peter who decided to help the family that she had become her friend, after Francesca will throw them out of her homer.

However, this was kept secret until Don Gil, in one of his confusions, he told Doña Francesca, who was very surprised that her butler acted behind her back. Knowing that before he has already fired Peter for breaching his trustthe future of Adolfo Chuiman’s character may once again have an uncertain place in the house of Nuevas Lomas.

In the last episode of “In the background there is room”, Francesca Maldini was shocked to find out that Peter paid for the Gonzalez house (Photo: América TV)

Is Alessia going to be with Jaimito?

The power of a tuna sandwich! The exchange of lunch boxes between Alessia and Jaime ended up reinforcing the bond between the two. The young woman of lineage was lowering her barriers and she could tell how excited she was about what the youngest of the Gonzalez had prepared for her.

He was even noticed disinterested when her boyfriend Remo visited her or surprised her with a trip to TulumMexico.

After the fight she had with her father at the gift exchange, Alessia left the house to talk to her mother, who also ignored her in her moment of grief. The one who didn’t do it was Jaimito, who ran to comfort her as soon as he saw her..

After a whole season finally the audience could see a kiss between the two, since they had them waiting for quite some time. However, this does not necessarily mean that both will start a relationship.

It may be that Alessia takes the right path, follows her heart, breaks up with Remo and starts dating Jaime, no matter what her prejudiced father says. However, There is also the possibility that “what will they say” prevail and the next season begins with her pretending like nothing happened.

Will July come back?

July’s future in the following seasons of “Al fondo hay sitio” is uncertain. After his dreams were cut short with the closure of his institute (making a clear reference to the pig-brand universities closed by SUNEDU), just when he was about to graduate as a nursing assistant, the character seemed very down.

For Christmas celebrations, he traveled back to his city to spend it with his family, but the dreamer Julia Flores may not return. This was noted when Cris asked her if she was only leaving temporarily and she hesitated to answer.

In the last chapter of "At the bottom there is room"July could not graduate from the institute because it was closed (Photo: América TV)

In the last chapter of “In the background there is room”, July could not graduate from the institute because it was closed (Photo: América TV)

Did he really revive “Shark’s Eyes”?

Perhaps the most shocking scene was the revelation of the return of Claudia Zapata, better known as “The Shark Look” Or, at least, it seems. From the beginning of the episode, Diego Montalvan was messaging with an alleged admirer who contacted him through social networks.

At the end of the episode, Francesca’s husband goes to the apartment of the mysterious woman whom he knew as Victoria. However, when she turned around we saw the face of Ursula Bozathe actress who played the villain of the first season, but with a red wig.

Throughout the chapter, we know that a danger was approaching, but many they thought it was Claudia’s mother or some other antagonist. Despite his death at the hands of Francesca herself, Gigio Aranda decided to revive “the shark look” or so it seems.

It is possible that they also invent a far-fetched story in which she is the twin sister that he comes to avenge his family or something like that. What is certain is that she will be very present in the following season.


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