What is C. Tangana's real name and what was her previous pseudonym?

Long before he wondered how long it would take for him to start hating that girl who paraded in Milan, C. Tangana He has already dedicated songs to his native park, the cold of Madrid and the rap that was tattooed on the soles of his broken sneakers. Pucho is a singer and has been for years, in different ways and with different names.

The musical origins are also those of his biography. Antn lvarez Alfaro I opened my eyes for the first time in the capital of Spain back in 1990 and grew up among the neighborhoods of Latina and Carabanchel. His father, as well as his ancestors through this branch, is Galician; His mother is Ifni and has Andalusian roots. This mixture gave impulses to an artistically peculiar rhythm of fusion, which began to be expressed through the genre that best fuses the austere and the beautiful: the rap.

It was during high school when he became interested in something called freestylea current underground that had begun to generate a school in some districts of Madrid. Improvise words, create sentences and use them to rap or attack your opponent on a basis of boombap basic. Immersed in the street air of those first compositions, he began to circulate his models. Then he signed as Crema. The trace of that pseudonym remains indelible in the C of his name.

Antes del cielo, Agorazein

His first major foray into the scene occurred in May 2008a date circled in some old calendar as the moment in which he released his first great work in what was, in addition, the premiere of the rap collective that gave its name to the project: Agorazein. Crema, Sticky MA, Jerv, Agz., Fabianni and I-Ace presented themselves to the world. Three years later, the group would release an album that would end up writing the name by which the planet knows Anton: Agorazein presenta… C. Tangana.

He had no intention of that marking the future of his career, but sometimes life is so easy that the magnitude of the imperishable is ignored. As he himself admitted in some interviews, he first adopted the name for an aesthetic reason and, later, it looked so good that he didn’t want to remove it. Agorazein continued marking adolescence and weaving tracksuit loves until one day he stopped doing so. And Pucho launched his solo career.

For some time now, Antón has once again claimed his origins by calling himself The Madrid, the nickname that continues C. Tangana. However, his roots, those that speak of the time in which he dreamed of opening paradise with a, can already be read between the lines of his stage name; the one he had when he slept next to the girl from the Prada campaigns.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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