The false Christmas of the dictatorship in Venezuela

It is madness to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. (Albert Einstein)

Insisting on repeating actions expecting different results is characteristic of those who lack judgment. In the case of Venezuela, this implies the risk of losing a crucial opportunity that transcends the presidential elections scheduled for next Sunday, July 28. Although it is important to recognize the relevance of the electoral process and its possible results, it is essential to understand that we are in a constituent moment. The structural problems facing Venezuela are not resolved simply with an election, but with a profound review of the pillars on which the nation is based.

What is meant by constituent moment?

The constituent moment is a crucial period in which a society redefines its social contract through a profound reform of the structure of the State. According to political theorist Norberto Bobbio, this moment is characterized by a “founding act” in which the rules of the political game are established, thus ensuring the legitimacy and stability of the new constitutional order.

For his part, philosopher Jürgen Habermas argues that a constituent moment must be an inclusive and participatory process, guaranteeing public deliberation and the inclusion of all social voices. This is essential to avoid the capture of the process by elites and to ensure that the new norms reflect a broad consensus.

This process usually arises from the need for significant changes in the political, social or economic system of a country. It promotes a civic debate that seeks to establish new legal and regulatory bases for the functioning of the State and social coexistence.

Why is Venezuela experiencing a constituent moment today?

Venezuela is going through a constituent moment due to the urgent need to reform its political structure to address social problems and respond to the demands of various sectors of society. The political, social and economic crisis facing the country has led citizens to play a crucial role in the transformation of the social contract and the restructuring of the State.

In contexts of severe crisis such as that of Venezuela, the constituent moment offers an opportunity for citizens to actively participate in profound reforms. This process is not limited to the drafting of a new Constitution, but seeks a comprehensive review of the foundations on which the State is based.

It is about redefining the social contract and the state structure to effectively address the demands and needs of the population, establishing a legal framework that promotes justice, equity and sustainable development.

How can we get Venezuela’s political class to understand the need to address the constituent moment?

It is crucial that Venezuela’s political class recognizes the need to address the constituent process, as this process responds to the urgent demands of the population and offers the opportunity to establish new legal and regulatory bases to build the country of well-being that the people aspire to.

To achieve this, it is essential that civil society and organized citizens take an active role in driving this movement for real change. The energy of renewal and hope that characterizes the spirit of Venezuelans must force the political class to understand that ignoring the call of citizens can perpetuate the current crises and undermine the legitimacy of the political system.

It is therefore vital that citizens articulate their demands effectively and maintain their call for deep reforms. This goal can be achieved through social mobilisation, public pressure and the promotion of a constructive dialogue that includes all sectors of society. An inclusive and participatory approach is essential to persuade political actors of the urgency and importance of this transformative process. Ultimately, it is crucial that they understand that sovereignty, as a concept, is the expression of citizens’ demands.

What can we do for the future?

To move towards real change, we must capitalize on the clarity of citizens regarding the need for a profound transformation. Our goal is to carry out the constituent moment in accordance with the current legal order, mobilizing all of civil society and citizens to take an active role in promoting this change.

This collective effort is crucial to establish new legal and regulatory foundations that promote the construction of a solid democracy, based on justice, equity and the well-being of the entire nation. The path to follow is the constitutional one, which invites us to promote popular initiative as the formula to urgently undertake the necessary reforms that ensure the return to the democratic system and build a nation that functions within a State of law.

People are calling for structural change in the country; this citizen resistance demands a profound and decisive transformation.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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