What would politics be without its stunts, its low blows, its twisted blows, its dirty tricks…? Because, as Edouard Philippe would say, “we have to do things seriously without taking ourselves seriously”, the political service of L’Express offers to immerse you in the corridors of power thanks to a weekly meeting, every Thursday, on our website.

Paris: a deal of the macronists with Dati?

Emmanuel Macron nipped in the bud the fantasy of many Macronist parliamentarians on Wednesday noon March 22, announcing that a government contract with LR, and even more so with other political forces, seemed impossible. But in his camp, we have other ideas to widen the majority: “The real deal to be made is with Rachida Dati in the municipal elections in Paris. She is the only one who is able to win”, slips a senior leader . Sorry ladies and gentlemen Olivia Grégoire, Marlène Schiappa, Gabriel Attal, Clément Beaune, we may have to wait six more years…

49.3, Sarkozy’s good prognosis

Nicolas Sarkozy was back on March 16 at the National Assembly, heard by the commission of inquiry responsible for shedding light on France’s loss of independence and sovereignty in energy matters. On the spot, he meets the boss of the LR deputies Olivier Marleix. We do not know then if the government will submit its pension reform to the vote a few hours later. “It’s going to end in 49.3, it’s written,” says the ex-president. Nicolas Sarkozy likes to recall that he never used this constitutional weapon.

Matignon: the Lecornu hypothesis

Sébastien Lecornu has observed a great media rarity since his arrival at the Ministry of Defense. But now his name arises as rumors of a change of Prime Minister multiply in the coming weeks – rumors that Emmanuel Macron, by his remarks on Wednesday March 22 on television, did not help to dry up. “He is competent, political, on the right, he dreams of being president of the Senate more than of the Republic, which can reassure the head of state”, lists a close friend of Emmanuel Macron.

Moreover, the man of the Armies does not take risks. During the meeting on Thursday noon at the Elysée Palace before 49.3 was decided by the president, it was he who finished the round of the table… softly: “I agree with everything that was said. ” The man of the gathering?

When Macron wanted to “get rid” of the CFDT

The ears of the elders of the Holland quinquennium stood up straight, listening to the interview with Emmanuel Macron. By attacking Laurent Berger by name, he reminded his former colleagues of the good memories of the negotiations of the Labor law, in 2015. Back to the past: the El Khomri law, which has just been sent to the Council of State, leaked in the press . The leader of the CFDT slams the door of the negotiations in front of two red lines crossed by the government (the ceiling of the compensations with the prud’hommes and the facilitated redundancy). François Hollande convenes an emergency meeting to smooth things over. Around the table, there is Manuel Valls, the then Prime Minister, the Minister of the Economy Emmanuel Macron, Myriam El Khomri (Labour), Michel Sapin (Finance), the Deputy Secretary General of the Elysée Palace Boris Vallaud and Aurélien Rousseau, adviser to Valls and interlocutor of the unions (today Dircab of Elisabeth Borne).

Sapin and El Khomri plead to listen to the CFDT and abandon the two points of tension. Opposite, Manuel Valls and Emmanuel Macron refuse to give in. “You are at Bercy, you must not be on the side of the unions but of the companies”, fumes Valls in front of Sapin. The two men exchange a few flowery words. Macron calls for “a shock”. “If there is a disagreement, it proves that this reform is profound, he says. There are enough of this system where you always have to negotiate with the unions. It always ends in a very small compromise. It is necessary that we get rid of the CFDT, it prevents us from making reforms.”

At LR, fire on Pradié

On the right, love is always there. Note from an LR leader: “Jordan Bardella is making a big breakthrough at the National Rally. We, the only one we have managed to bring up in recent months, is Aurélien Pradié…”


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