Which cheap fish should you buy for New Year’s Eve-proiezionidiborsa.it

Last minute shopping and we don’t know what to buy? Fish-based dinner is almost a tradition, but what to choose that doesn’t cost a fortune? Let’s see which are the cheapest fish to choose from.

When it comes to fresh or frozen fish let’s immediately think about how much we will have to shell out from the wallet. Fish is a valuable product whose consumption often weighs heavily on the pockets of Italians. But just as there are less valuable cuts of meat, there are cheaper fish species. We are talking both about those defined as poor, but also about some types that we do not even consider. Fool yourself come on prices of frozen fish we often do not know that there are tasty and fine fish at affordable prices.

Which cheap fish should you buy for New Year’s Eve at a good value for money

Fish is a bit like vegetables, the more you eat Seasonal and the more you can save. The price of defrosted fish it can mislead us because we never consider season and origin. Then, obviously there are always those species available all year round which, thanks to the large quantities caught, cost less. Let’s think about sardines and at anchovies, but also mackerel, a fish often underestimated but very good. It is always blue fish, therefore rich in omega 3 which can replace the usual anchovies in preparations. The price per kg is between 5 and 6 euros, a real bargain.



Also dormouse they are very good molluscs and with excellent value for money, around 9 euros per kilo. Definitely much cheaper than the real octopus which costs around 30 euros. A bit like calamari and cuttlefish, always at affordable prices and which lend themselves to many recipes. Same thing with prawns and red shrimp or Italian scampi, all fresh shellfish. If we want to serve fresh prawns, we choose prawns, they cost around 25 euros per kilo. They are not exactly cheap, but compared to the average 45 euros of scampi and red prawns they are more than fine.

Mussels, cockles, clams and razor clams are the real deal

Seafood is perfect to serve at a fish dinner even those organized at the last moment. They can almost always be found in fishmongers, there is also a wide choice of origins and the prices are affordable. Let’s think about mussels which have a price of 4 or 5 euros per kilo, or even the cockles. Although many give up mussels because you always have to clean them before eating them and it can be tiring. But if we ask the fishmonger to use the special centrifuge or we take advantage of the fishermen’s trick, cleaning them with salt.

Let's think of the mussels that have a price of 4 or 5 euros per kilo

Let’s think of mussels that have a price of 4 or 5 euros per kilo-proiezionidiborsa.it

Then there are the clams which can now be found for less than 14 euros per kilo. Even razor clams in this period of the year are not too expensive, even if they require a longer preparation. Cooking them is quick, but cleaning and draining them properly takes several hours which we often don’t have. Here are which cheap fish to buy for New Year’s Eve without having to spend a fortune.


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