Almost five years after the promises will begin, now it was fulfilled. in a video -quite smiling, that’s not even what- he president he was able to deliver an announcement that had eluded him for years. It is not a drill: the AMLO government managed to sell the presidential plane.

And who will take the controversial aircraft home? Well it will be the government of tajikistanwho supposedly already deposited a wool to the accounts of the Mexican government.

Presidential plane // Photo: Presidency

“It was possible to sell this presidential plane”celebrated AMLO seated aboard the José María Morelos y Pavón. “We are happy. Like the nouveau riche who buy a yacht or a plane like this who are only happy the day they launch it and the day they sell it”.

AMLO manages to sell presidential plane to Tajikistan

In the short video that AMLO He uploaded to his social networks, at the time of telling that he was able to sell the presidential plane to the government of Tajikistansaid they had deposited thousand 658 million 684 thousand 400 pesos.

Where things already got complicated is when he announced what they will use this money for. According to the president it will be used to build two hospitals: one in Guerrero and another in Oaxaca.

The thing is had previously promised which would be for all sorts of things:

  • Almost in 2020 he promised it to bring water to a town in Hidalgo.
  • In 2019 he said that it would be for the migration plan.
  • Also in 2019 he promised that money to finance social programs.
  • In 2018 he said he would give it to victims of violence.

About finally selling the presidential plane, the most specific explanation was made by Jorge Mendoza, the general director of Banobras. “The transaction is closed, we have already received the resources,” he said, so that no one thinks that they are being scammed.

“This is already a fact,” said the official. He commented that the Tajikistan government has 10 days to take the presidential plane out of Mexico.

The sale —which took about 5 years to come to fruition— he came after a bunch of different possibilities for his future. At times an attempt was made to exchange it in the United States, it was also offered to SEDENA or the idea of ​​using it as an air taxi was even considered.

Anyway, then it seems that this chapter of the strange story is finally finished. AMLO managed to sell the presidential plane to the government of Tajikistan.


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