On Sunday, the news came that Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov is being replaced.

Ukrainian News Agency Ukrainian form reports that Reznikov is now being appointed to the role of Minister for Strategic Industries. A marked degradation, says expert Tom Røseth.

– It is clear that this is especially the case in an ongoing war. Reznikov will still have a function in the administration, but as defense minister he has been among the most important faces in Ukraine’s government and is probably the best known internationally apart from Zelenskyi himself.

CLOSE UP: As Minister of Defense, Oleksiy Reznikov has been side by side with President Volodymyr Zelenskyj in international meetings, as here with Poland’s Minister of Defense in July 2022. Photo: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SER

Zelensky’s party explains the replacement by saying that time and circumstances require strengthening and regrouping. But as head teacher in intelligence at the Norwegian Defense Academy, Tom Røseth is more skeptical.

– When such explanations come, there is often something behind it. It seems likely to me that the replacement is in connection with the corruption scandals.

Suspicious potato purchase

Tom Røseth refers to the Ukrainian media’s disclosure in January, that the Ministry of Defense should have cheated on the prices for the purchase of food for soldiers. Potatoes and eggs are said to have been priced at nearly three times the market price.

In that connection, Deputy Defense Minister Viacheslav Shapovalov immediately resigned, when accusations of having stolen money from the food budget of Ukrainian soldiers were aimed directly at him.

ON THE FRONT: The Ministry of Defense is responsible for purchasing provisions for the Ukrainian forces.  The picture shows a Ukrainian soldier at the front in Bakhmut, with a cup of tea.  Photo: MARKO DJURICA

ON THE FRONT: The Ministry of Defense is responsible for purchasing provisions for the Ukrainian forces. The picture shows a Ukrainian soldier at the front in Bakhmut, with a cup of tea. Photo: MARKO DJURICA

– I know nothing about what role the now resigned Reznikov has had in this, but he is the one who must be responsible for what happens in his ministry, says Røseth and adds:

– It is clear that Zelenskyj is on a clean-up mission, and wants to show the West that he takes corruption seriously. He also knows that Russia will use the revelations about corruption as another part of its propaganda for the war.

IN BAKHMUT: In December, Zelenskyj himself visited the soldiers at the front in Bakhmut.  Photo: STRINGER

IN BAKHMUT: In December, Zelenskyj himself visited the soldiers at the front in Bakhmut. Photo: STRINGER

Disclosure about expensive cars and vacations

The defense minister is far from the only one Zelenskyi has replaced recently as a result of accusations of bribery and embezzlement. Ministers, governors and close associates have either been dismissed or resigned.

RESIGNED: Tymoshenko published this photo of her resignation.  Photo: Private

RESIGNED: Tymoshenko published this photo of her resignation. Photo: Private

Deputy head of the president’s office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, handed in his resignation after massive criticism for having lived a life of luxury, and is said to have been driving around in an exclusive car of the Chevrolet Tahoe SUV type.

A car which is supposed to have been donated to assist the evacuation of civilians.

During the war, Zelenskyi has banned civil servants from leaving the country, with the exception of authorized missions.

Nevertheless, the deputy head of the prosecution, Oleksij Symonenko, is said to have borrowed an oligarch’s Mercedes and driven on Christmas holiday to Spain. He has now been replaced.

– Is it safe to give assistance?

Despite the recent revelations about corruption, Røseth believes that there is less corruption in Ukraine now than before Russia’s invasion.

– I think the war exacerbates corruption because there is now a focus on the fact that the war is so important that taking funds for personal gain will be very destructive to the leadership in Ukraine and international support.

IMPORTANT: Røseth points out that the war and the absolutely essential international support have given Ukraine new motivation to tackle corruption.  Zelenskyj and Biden in the USA in December 2022. Photo: Patrick Semansky

IMPORTANT: Røseth points out that the war and the absolutely essential international support have given Ukraine new motivation to tackle corruption. Zelenskyj and Biden in the USA in December 2022. Photo: Patrick Semansky

– But corruption has not gone away. It is a cultural, systematized problem in Ukraine and all former Soviet countries, notes Røseth.

He refers to the index of the organization Transparency International, which monitors corruption in 180 of the world’s countries.

While Denmark topped the list in 2022 as the least corrupt country, Ukraine was ranked number 116 out of 180. Behind countries such as Ethiopia, Kazakhstan and Turkey.

– It is important to emphasize that, although we should not be naive, there are no indications that Western countries’ aid has fallen victim to corruption, points out Røseth, who knows the Norwegian Defense Forces from several roles, before adding:

– My experience with our partners is that it is better now than it was ten years ago. I am not worried about whether the money from Western countries is used correctly in Ukraine.

EXPERT: Tom Røseth has Russia, China and Ukraine as special fields.  Photo: Martin Leigland / TV 2

EXPERT: Tom Røseth has Russia, China and Ukraine as special fields. Photo: Martin Leigland / TV 2

– Does the scandal weaken Zelenskyj?

Volodymyr Zelenskyj ran for election in 2019 on the belief that he was able to fight corruption. In his victory speech, he criticized his predecessors, saying that Ukrainian politicians “had created a land of opportunity; Opportunities to bribe, steal and loot resources”.

– So what do the revelations about corruption in Zelenskyi’s inner circle mean, and will it weaken him?

– Zelenskyj is doing well. He got the presidency because, as an actor in a series about fighting corruption, he was a breath of fresh air. But you cannot change a country that has a systematized culture of corruption in one presidential term, replies Røseth.

2019: Volodymyr Zelenskyj with his wife, Olena, during the election campaign in 2019. Photo: GENYA SAVILOV

2019: Volodymyr Zelenskyj with his wife, Olena, during the election campaign in 2019. Photo: GENYA SAVILOV

He points out that there have been revelations of corruption among Ukraine’s six former presidents since the country gained its independence in 1991, but that this is not a case of one becoming part of the problem by becoming part of the system.

– There are no suspicions against Zelenskyj. He still has great credibility. War makes it difficult to conduct ordinary politics, but as president he still continues to take action against corruption, observes Tom Røseth.

CREDIBLE: Tom Røseth believes that President Volodomyr still has great credibility nationally and internationally.  Photo: YURIY DYACHYSHYN

CREDIBLE: Tom Røseth believes that President Volodomyr still has great credibility nationally and internationally. Photo: YURIY DYACHYSHYN


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