Young Cuban dies suddenly in the US and relatives ask for help with funeral expenses

The family of Lewis León Morfa, a young Cuban who lived in Louisville, United States, started a fundraiser on the platform GoFundMe with the aim of holding a funeral for him after his sudden death.

“Hello, my name is Ariel, and I am raising funds for the cremation of my boyfriend, who died suddenly, we need help, please,” the description says.

The circumstances of the sudden death of this young man, dedicated to hairdressing and styling, were not revealed, although the reactions of friends and clients were immediate.

“I’m so sorry, we will miss you so much Coco. My heart goes out to his family at this very difficult time,” said a Facebook user when sharing the request for help.

Facebook Capture/Anitza B. Soriano

In that publication, an Internet user described him in the comments section as “a young man with unmatched qualities, he did magic with each client’s hair, your departure hurts a lot.”

Facebook Capture/Leydis Lorenzo Hernandez

Another user also assured that “we will always love you and we will never forget you.”

Facebook Capture/Martha Rubi

The goal of the fundraiser is to raise $3,000 to hold the funeral scheduled for May 21.. Currently they have exceeded that number.

A similar collection was made by the family of William Blanco, a young Cuban who lost his life at only 23 years old in a traffic accident in Florida last February.

A person close to Blanco’s family circle told CyberCuba that the cost of the young man’s funeral and burial amounted to about $26,000, which is why the family opened a GoFundMe page in order to raise the necessary funds to bury him.

The Cuban community of Iquique, a coastal city located in the north of Chile and west of the Atacama Desert, did the same after asking help to bury an 82-year-old woman from Villa Clarawho died of a heart attack.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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