Bacilos premieres the song Anoche

MIAMI.- Bacilli 2024 starts with a new song. The group created in Florida premieres Last night, a song that will be part of the next record production on which the musicians are working.

Last night was recorded at Criteria’s Studio C in Miami and produced by Ahmed Barroso and Bacilos. The recording was in charge of the Brazilian engineer Álvaro Alencar and the mixing by Csar Sogbe.

Likewise, the song featured the participation of musicians such as Mónica Sierra, Alexis (Pututi) Arce, Pedro Alfonso, Dante Vargas and Ramón Bentez.

Last night It also has a video clip produced in the same recording studio and filmed entirely with four iPhone 15 Max Pro. With the support of Apple, those in charge of capturing the images were J2D Films with Nuno Gomes directing the video.

“We wanted to share the energy we experienced during the recording of this album,” Jorge Villamizar, member of Bacilos, commented in a statement.

Two confirmed performances are added to the premiere of this song: the five-time Latin Grammy-winning group will perform in Santiago de Chile on January 27 at the Festival de las Condes; Then, a concert follows on February 10 at the Monticello Arena, located in the same South American country.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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