Beatriz Archidona comes out in defense of Friday!  after multiple criticisms

Friday! It landed a few months ago on the Telecinco grid to fill the space left empty by Jorge Javier Vzquez’s Deluxe. A new program hosted by Beatriz Archidona and Santi Acosta that has not yet managed to conquer the viewers despite trying week after week with guests as current as ngel Cristo Jr., Fran Rivera or Gabriela Guillén.

There are many who call the format produced by Ana Rosa Quintana old, among them, Baldomero Toscano, former director of Mediaset Spain. It follows in the footsteps of Deluxe with less grace (…) It is a more conventional, older program. It’s more like nineties television, it’s more unobtrusive, he said in statements to Radio Isla Cristina. A speech that many social media users agree with.


  • Oscar Cornejo and Adrin Madrid have registered Los Fabricantes Studio, SL, the company with which they will resume their activity after the end of their relationship with Mediaset.

  • Beatriz Archidona comes out in defense of Friday!  after multiple criticisms

    The Fuencarral group announces the cancellation of Cuatro al día and signs the popular meteorologist for a new program in the afternoons of the network.

Tired of criticism, Beatriz Archidona breaks her silence in an interview with the digital portal Frmula TV where she comes out in defense of her program. It is a classic Mediaset format. It was time for these types of programs to return. A quiet heart where we chat and listen to stories (…) A format that was necessary, says the journalist who in recent months experienced a meteoric rise in Telecinco.

The key to Friday! The thing is that you don’t judge the interviewee, you listen to his story and we have good times. Lara Dibildos told me that it was nice to come home, because it was her house and she has returned, she hadn’t come home for a long time, she adds in the aforementioned medium. I don’t want to feel uncomfortable on a set. I don’t want to create an environment that is not comfortable because when you invite someone to your home, what you are looking for is that they are comfortable. and have a good time, he insists.

Regarding the incendiary words of Baldomero Toscano, Beatriz Archidona is clear: We can give a touch of the heart of years ago, giving it the news of the moment with another rhythm, other collaborators, other presenters… It seems to me that the objective is ideal. What is old? I am from that generation and it is a format that I like, so maybe I am the old one.he expresses.

Friday! look for new faces

According to the information published by Algo Pasa TV, the program De Friday! looks for new faces with the aim of improving its audience data. The dome is looking for new collaborators to modify the list of the five that have been fixed since November 24 and reinforce their position on Friday nights, they say. Patricia Cerezo, Adriano Silva, Patricia Izquierdo, ngela Portero and Jos Antonio Len are the current panelists.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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