Blinken criticizes Cuba's abuses of dissident Martha Roque Cabello

WASHINGTON.- The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinkenfirmly condemned the “campaign of arrests and abuses” perpetrated by the Cuban regime against the dissident Martha Roque Cabellowho was recognized this Monday with the award for “Women of Courage”.

During the event, Blinken expressed his regret for the absence of Roque Cabello, highlighting his tireless work in defense of human rights in Cuba. Accompanied by the first lady, Jill Biden, the Secretary of State praised the commitment of the Cuban activist, who for more than four decades has led various organizations in the fight for human rights and democracy on the island.

Roque Cabello, the only woman among the 75 people imprisoned during the Black Spring of 2003, was sentenced to 20 years in prison, part of which she served before being released for health reasons. Despite her release, she continued her activism, providing support to political prisoners and their families, documenting judicial irregularities, and facing harassment from the Cuban government, which has closely monitored her for decades.

Blinken noted that Cuban authorities are carrying out a prolonged campaign of arrests and abuses against Roque Cabello, including prohibiting him from traveling abroad. Although she could not attend the event in person, the Secretary of State assured that everyone supports her daily in her fight.

In addition to Roque Cabello, the Women of Courage Award also recognized Fátima Corozo, an Ecuadorian community leader, as well as a group of women who were released from prison in Nicaragua in 2023 and who were forced into exile in the United States due to political persecution in his country.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

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