HAVANA.- Given the increase in patients with nonspecific febrile syndrome and the proximity of summer with more favorable conditions for the proliferation of vectors, the Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology in Santiago de Cuba called to reinforce sanitation inside and outside homes and work entities.

In Press conferenceYaimara Gutiérrez, director of the Public Health institution in the territory, said that to date they confirm the circulation of Oropouche fever in the municipalities of Songo-La Maya, Mella, Guamá and the provincial capital, although she did not offer a number even close. of the diagnoses, reviews the web portal Cuban newspaper.

He said that the evolution is favorable in all diagnosed patients, in accordance with the clinical picture described in existing bibliographies, although the day before the Directorate of Public Health in the territory warned that “there could be cases with certain severity based on comorbidities, or characteristics of each individual.

Gutiérrez urged to maintain the organization and hygiene of patios, gardens and rooftops.

He also recognized the increase in suspected cases of dengue in Santiago de CubaPalma Soriano, San Luis and Mella, and that they are carrying out “intersectoral work to avoid clinical complications, deaths and the arrival at the stage of active transmission.”

Doctors on alert

Doctors and nurses from the Saturnino Lora and Juan Bruno Zayas hospitals confirmed to DIARIO DE CUBA that four strains of dengue circulate in the province, including the hemorrhagic one, which was controlled for months and reappears as a major problem.

Dr. Irina Montalvo said that last week “69 patients with positive monosera were admitted to the South Children’s Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, and of that number 13 ended up in intensive care with low platelets and shedding unusual amounts of blood in their urine. “In addition, some girls saw their menstrual period up to three times in just 20 days.”

At the Ambrosio Grillo hospital, the number of adults with symptoms and bleeding is also growing. For their part, two family doctors agreed that “the elderly, chronically ill, pregnant women, young people and especially children are those who are becoming infected with dengue the most.”

“After the fifth day is when complications usually appear,” they detailed.

For her part, Leanna Blanco, vice director of Environmental Health, said on Wednesday that “prioritized attention is being given to the eradication of leaks and micro-garbage dumps” and spoke of the joint work with the Communal Services agencies, Aguas Santiago and other designated companies. .

Blanco, however, tied the effectiveness of actions to contain mosquitoes to “individual, citizen and community responsibility.” “The population must raise awareness about carrying out family autofocus and the importance of cleaning inside and around homes,” he said.

Source: Editorial / With information Diario de Cuba

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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