The animal world is rich in variety and in visual wonders. And, without a doubt, one of them is the woodpeckerwhich has the ability to chop a tree more than twenty times in a second and, what is most striking, without tiring.

the family of woodpeckers It comprises more than 200 different species of birds. They have several names such as beak, woodpecker, picatronco, great spotted woodpecker or wryneck, and in all cases it is dedicated to looking for food in the trunks.

Some have brightly colored tufts.

The p??????woodpeckers are known all over the planet, since specimens can be found anywhere except Madagascar, Australia and the pole zone. In southern Europe, especially in Doñana, Andalusia, there are three different subspecies.

One of the highlights of these animals It is their plumage color, which ranges from orange to bright green and even purple. There are different sizes, it is due to the species. Some can measure sixty centimeters.

A bone in the brain protects them when biting.

Researchers claim that they can sting up to 12,000 times. They have a bone in the back of their beak and also in front of their brain so they don’t hurt themselves.

In the 70s there was a cartoon inspired by this bird. It was the Pájaro Loco or Loquillo, created by Walter Lantz and designed by cartoonist Ben Hardaway, also the author of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

Its sound is characteristic in some forests.

a unique case

The woodpeckers they have the ability to pierce cedar, pine, fir and cypress, virtually all woods are vulnerable. It is possible to see it in many of the forests in the areas where it lives.

They can also chip other materials that are not wood.

It is even capable of drilling aluminum, stucco or brick. Their goal is to feed on insects and attract potential mates. Both their activity and their appearance are ideal to help them mate and procreate.


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