Cuban doctors kidnapped by terrorists in Kenya would have died in attack

HAVANA.- The president of the National Assembly of the regime CubaEsteban Lazo Hernández, traveled to Kenya to carry out “urgent efforts” with the aim of clarifying the death of two Cuban doctors who had been kidnapped in April 2019 by the terrorist group Al Shabaab, who declared them dead after an alleged bombing. of the United States.

After the dissemination of the jihadist group’s first message, the dictatorship’s Foreign Ministry clarified that the information had not been “confirmed” and that there was “permanent communication” with both the Kenyan and Somali authorities. The regime’s Minister of Health, José Ángel Portal Miranda, also confirmed contacts with the families of the two hostages: Assel Herrera Correa and Landy Rodríguez Hernández.

The United States Armed Forces have also not provided detailed information about the alleged attack referred to by Al Shabaab, which would have taken place on February 15 in Somalia. The two doctors had been kidnapped in the Kenyan town of Mandera, near the Somali border.

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The Cuban dictatorship finally, “in light of the recent news published” and chose to appoint a “high-level special envoy” to travel to Kenya and clarify on the ground what could have happened, the Cuban government reported in a statement. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which grants “absolute priority” to the efforts underway.

They seek to exhaust “all possibilities to confirm the situation” of the two hostages, which has also implied a request for information from the United States Government. According to the island’s authorities, this request was made to Washington on February 18, but “is still awaiting a response.”

“To date, there has been no public statement from the United States Government or its Armed Forces that confirms the news regarding the kidnapped Cuban collaborators or denies what has been reported,” the Cuban Government noted in its note.

Cuba demands more information about the “circumstances and characteristics” of the bombingin particular to understand whether it was justified and “if the obligatory care was taken to avoid collateral damage, protect civilians and innocents, and due respect for International Humanitarian Law.”

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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