Despite serious Pentagon deficit, Biden sends $300 million in weapons to Ukraine

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon will provide some $300 million in weapons to Ukraine on an emergency basis after finding some savings in its contracts, although the US forces are in serious deficit and they need at least 10 billion dollars to replace the weapons it has removed from its arsenals to help kyiv in its defense against the Russian invasion, the White House announced.

Republicans see this shipment as a new strategic blackmail by Joe Biden’s administration to pressure Republicans to approve a $95 billion package stalled in the House of Representatives. Of that figure, more than $60 billion is for Ukraine.

It is the Pentagon’s first security aid package for Ukraine since december, when he recognized that he had run out of funds to supply his arsenals. It was not until recent days that authorities publicly acknowledged that not only had they run out of funds to recover the weapons, but they were saddled with a deficit of 10 billion dollars.

The announcement comes at a time when Ukraine’s ammunition is running out and attempts to give it more are stalled in Congress due to resistance from Republicans, who refuse to give a cent more without a real reaction from Biden regarding it. to the national security chaos that he himself created and that he can solve immediately without going anywhere.

As he himself opened the border doors without turning to anyone, now the conservatives demand that he close them, but he flatly refuses and his advisors presented an insult plan, in which the democrats practically mock the serious crisis, which has It has doubled drug trafficking, human trafficking, and crimes of all kinds and has given the best possible business to the murderous Mexican cartels.

US Army has a deficit of 10 billion dollars

U.S. officials have said for months that they will not be able to resume shipments to Ukraine until Congress approves replenishment funds, which are included in the stalled spending proposal.

The replenishment funds have allowed the Pentagon to take ammunition, air defense systems and other weapons from its stockpile under presidential rule to send them to Ukraine and then contract to replace those weapons, which are necessary to maintain American military readiness and security. national, but the Biden government prioritizes Ukraine above all else. And suspicions and questions about Biden’s marked interest in Ukraine continue to grow among the American population.

“When Russian troops advance and fire their weapons, Ukraine does not have the ammunition to respond,” national security adviser Jake Sullivan warned in announcing the $300 million package.

But almost $160 billion in cash aid and weapons have already disappeared.

The Pentagon also has a Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (known as USAI) that allows it to fund long-term contracts with industry to produce new weapons for Ukraine.

Defense officials who spoke to reporters said the Pentagon made savings on some of those long-term contracts of about $300 million and, given the situation on the battlefield, decided to use those savings to ship more weapons. They said the savings basically offset the new package and maintain the $10 billion overdraft.

One of the Defense officials briefing reporters said the package constituted a “one-time shipment” unless Congress approves a stalled spending bill representing about $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine or find other ways to save costs. It would likely include anti-aircraft missiles, artillery shells and armored systems, the official said.

Source: With information from AFP and other sources.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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