Ecuador targets three ships as prisons to mitigate violence

QUITO.- The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, announced this Thursday the construction of two maximum security prisons, taking as a reference the model implemented by the Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele in his fight against gangs. These new facilities will be strategically located in the Amazon and the Pacific coast of the country.

Noboa emphasized the need for effective segmentation and adequate isolation of inmates in these new prisons. In addition, he confirmed that the same company responsible for the prisons in El Salvador during the Bukele government will be in charge of construction.

“These prisons will be similar in design to those built in Mexico and El Salvador by the same company, an attractive proposal for Bukele’s admirers,” stated the Ecuadorian president.

The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for January 11, marking the start of construction in the provinces of Pastaza (Amazon) and Santa Elena (Pacific coast). Noboa stressed that these regions have less influence from narcoterrorist groups, thus seeking to reduce violence in prisons.

Guayaquil, which is home to one of the most violent prisons in the country, has been excluded as a location due to the significant presence of criminal gangs in the port area. Noboa expressed his concern, noting that “the worst place to put a prison is next to where criminals live.”

Expulsion of foreigners

The Ecuadorian president highlighted the urgency of separating the most dangerous inmates as a measure to stop prison massacres, which since February 2021 have left 460 prisoners dead. In line with this strategy, he also announced plans to expel approximately 1,500 foreign inmates, mostly from Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, with the goal of reducing the prison population.

This initiative is presented as part of a comprehensive strategy to strengthen prison security in Ecuador, taking as reference successful experiences in the region.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

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