Milei government, a race against time to approve the measures

BUENOS AIRES.- He president of Argentina, Javier Mileydownplayed the judicial and political obstacles to the reforms he has already begun to undertake, including the decree that encourages economic deregulation, and trusted that “everything will work out”, regardless of short-term setbacks.

“The games last 90 minutes, they don’t end until the final whistle,” he said.

A day after the National Chamber of Labor suspended the part of the decree relating to labor reform and while doubts grow about the path of his proposals in Congress, Milei stated in a radio interview that “do nothing” or continue ” doing the same” is “infinitely worse” for Argentina.

The president promised to “work tirelessly to avoid the crisis.” “I do not want an Argentina with 98% poor and half indigent,” concluded Milei, who nevertheless admitted that the results of his reforms will not be seen with immediate effect, but in 15 years, when he hopes that Argentina will be one of the “richest countries in the world”, reports the Télam agency.

The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) promoted by Milei includes some 300 laws and seeks to deregulate the economy, apply a state of public and economic emergency until December 31, 2025, modify the labor market and health plans , repeal the rental law and privatize public companies, among other measures.

The Government already announced on Wednesday that it would appeal the precautionary measures adopted by the National Chamber of Labor.

The court’s ruling only applies to the article of the decree that refers, among other matters, to the elimination of double compensation for dismissal for cases in which the worker is not registered and the limitation of the right to strike in activities considered essential. such as education and transportation.

When defending his reformist plans, Milei affirmed that this and other initiatives seek to avoid a greater crisis.

The new government faces rampant inflation that has increased poverty, which affects more than 40% of the population.

Source: With information from Europa Press / AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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