Florida, the third state with the lowest educational level in the US, according to study

MIAMI.- A good one education It is considered an indicator of economic, social and cultural success of any state in USAwhich allows us to ensure a comfortable and stable future.

A new study carried out by the university scholarships platform Scholaroo reveals the states with the highest and lowest levels of education in the country and places Florida as the third state with the least educated population and the lowest educational levels. The list is led by Massachusetts, Minnesota and Connecticut.

To determine the states with the most and the least educationanalysts compared the 50 states on two key elements: the number of people who successfully completed their studies and the quality of educational institutions.

They evaluated each state based on 19 relevant metrics ranging from learning ratio, literacy rate, number of colleges, college graduation rate to best and worst school systems.

According to the research, the “Sunshine State” ranked 48th, with a total score of 42 on a scale in which 100 represents the best educational conditions. Which indicates that Florida fell 12 places, compared to the first edition of the company’s report.

Florida had the lowest percentage of adults with partial college experience in the entire country. It also has the lowest number of apprentices per 100,000 inhabitants and the eighth lowest percentage of high school graduates going directly to university.

The state ranked 42nd in a previous report from Scholaroo, which ranked the best and worst school systems of all states in 2023.

Florida has 74 school districts, one for each of the state’s 67 counties, serving various types of schools, including public and private education.

The researchers noted that in the US, people with college degrees generally earn about $26,000 more per year than those who have only completed high school.

States with the highest levels of education

Massachusetts was ranked first as the state with the highest percentage of education in the country, according to Scholaroo, which places it with the highest educational level.

The Bay State earned a score of 81 and the highest college graduation rate.

In second place was Minnesota with 75 points. The land of 10,000 lakes had the fourth highest literacy rate.

The third most educated population has Connecticut with a score of 72, followed by Virginia in fourth place with an evaluation of 69 points.

Fifth place goes to Pennsylvaniathe Liberty Bell State was rated 67 points. Pennsylvania It was the state with the third highest proportion of top universities and the fourth highest proportion of doctoral program graduates.

The top 10 is completed

6. Vermontwith 67 points

7. Nebraskawith 67 points

8. Missouri with 66 points

9. Illinoiscon with 66 points

10. Maryland with 65 points

The 10 states with the least education

At the bottom of the list with the lowest educational percentages in the country are:

South Carolina at No. 41

Arizona at No. 42

Nevada in 43rd place

Alabama at No. 44

Oklahoma at No. 45

Texas at number 46

Idaho at number 47

Mississippi at #49

New Mexico at number 50


Source: With information from the university scholarship company Scholaroo

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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