• In 2021, around 2,470 electric buses were part of some public transport systems in Latin America.

  • Electric aircraft maker Eve Holding has announced plans to start operating a commercial electric flying taxi service by 2026.

  • The aircraft company must obtain an official certification in order to operate.

It seems that reality has surpassed fiction, because what seemed impossible and very futuristic could be a reality, since electric flying taxis are expected to be a reality in Brazil by 2026.

This project futuristic could revolutionize the mode of transportation, since this idea offers a faster and more efficient form of mobility anywhere, although there are certain factors that should be taken into account in this project, since it must be considered that flying electric taxis are not only expensive to produce, but could also be expensive to operate compared to ground taxis, so this could limit their accessibility to the general population, probably akin to having a helicopter ride experience.

Transport and electric mobility

The mobility electrical is mainly based on the integration of new technologies In order to get around, an example of this is bicycles, scooters, motorcycles or electric cars. This has become one of the main objectives to mitigate damage to the environment and reduce the effects of climate change. This mobility has several benefits compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines, since they do not emit greenhouse gases or other pollutants that affect air quality. Additionally, electric vehicles are generally quieter and have a lower operating cost in the long run.

To promote electric mobility, measures are being implemented worldwide, such as tax incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles, installation of charging stations in public and private places, and the promotion of sustainable mobility in urban planning.

According to Statista, in July 2021, around 2,470 electric buses were part of some public transportation systems in Latin America. Until that date, Chile led with the largest number of electric buses in circulation with 819 units, followed by Colombia, with a fleet of close to 590 units. In Mexico, 400 electric buses were used to transport passengers. Until that date, Brazil had 314 units in circulation in the public transport of São Paulo.

Flying electric taxis: Brazil’s goal for 2026

Eve Holding incis a Brazilian subsidiary that is characterized by producing aircraft electrical take-off and vertical landing, as well as infrastructure for mobility in the urban area. This company has announced its plans to start operating a commercial electric flying taxi service by 2026. It should be noted that before that year, the company must obtain an official certification for the aircraft, since there are still no regulations for this sector, since obviously it’s something new.

The company has racked up more than 2,770 orders for its electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles; however, production cannot start until the model receives its official certification.

A fact that could be disturbing is security, since travelers will find themselves traveling at significant heights.

Last year the company Eve Air Mobility announced approval by the executive board of the Brazilian National Development Bank to support Eve’s eVTOL development. with two different lines of credit, for a total of $92.5 million. Therefore, it is already a fact that the company has the necessary funds to start its industrial and transport operations. According to initial estimates made, the total project should cost at least 540 million dollars; However, the most important part of the project is still missing, the official certification to operate, this means that the company is already on the way to achieve its objective.

Flying electric taxis Photo of Eve Air Mobility.

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