Hialeah approves resolution of unconditional support for the people of Cuba

MIAMI.- The Hialeah Council unanimously approved a resolution of unconditional support for the Cuban people in their demands for freedom after the protests on March 17 in Santiago de Cuba and other cities on the island.

The resolution, proposed by Councilwoman Mónica Pérez, urges President Joe Biden, the US House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, to use all available diplomatic means to pressure the Cuban dictatorship to abandon its repressive regime and respect the fundamental rights of the Cuban people.

It also urges different entities to advocate for meeting the basic needs of the Cuban people, including access to food, medicine and electricity.

The document, approved this Tuesday, March 26 at the ordinary meeting of the Council, calls on international organizations, media and governments to raise awareness about the struggle waged by the people of the island to guarantee that their voices are not silenced and that their difficult situation is recognized worldwide. Additionally, it encourages supporting efforts to achieve robust internet access in Cuba that allows Cubans to document and share their experiences and protests with the world.

“The mayor once said that whatever happens in Cuba is reflected here in Hialeah. We have to support the Cuban people who are asking for freedom, justice and humane treatment,” said Pérez, a councilor from one of the communities with the largest Cuban population in the United States.

“Many people will wonder what the impact of a resolution like this is. It is not something frivolous, our position is very important because, after Havana and Santiago de Cuba, we are the largest community of Cubans in the world,” said the mayor, who requested support for the document.

“Cubans on the island have to know that they are the leaders of Cuba’s future and that we are here to support them,” said Bovo.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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