"I hope that the art that runs through my veins never leaves me"

It’s been just over eight months since Yasbell Rodriguez He arrived in Miami, and although many may have thought at that moment that it would be the end of his acting career, the reality has been different.

The Cuban actress has been involved in several projects, including starring in one of the episodes of Crime in Miamione of the platform series Pronyr TV.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

In exclusive interview with CyberCubaYasbell shared why she decided to leave Cuba with her family and told details of the opportunities she has had to continue acting in the United States.

“In less than 60 days we gave up everything we had in Cuba”

My family and I had made the decision to emigrate.. The issue was to ensure that my son could have the freedom and opportunities that his father and I had achieved with so much effort by having red passports to move around. The humanitarian parole was a total surprise. We had thought about other destinations like Mexico or Spain, just on my birthday at a party surrounded by friends, artists and family we received the news that they had approved us,” said the artist.

Although a new path was opening up ahead, they left behind an entire life: “In less than 60 days we gave up everything we had in Cuba. I miss my mother with life, the public, the stages and the projects that came up just before I got on the plane to the United States made me doubt and I suffered a lot from that, but the decision had already been made.”

In addition to the material that she and her partner had managed to build over the years, there was the affection of the public, which is so important for an artist: “My husband is a craftsman and we managed to have our furniture store. Our decent and well-kept little house, a home and temple that I hope to enjoy here again one day. Leaving everything behind at 40 years old and the respect that I had still managed to earn It’s a feeling that doesn’t leave my chest.”.

“Hope lives in me to continue on the path of art in these new lands”

In the case of Yasbell, exile has not meant giving up acting, but when he set foot in Miami he had many doubts and fears of not being able to return to the career he loves: “Coming to the artists’ cemetery is what I thought awaited me in Miami after leaving Cuba. Fighting to see if I could do theater or something on the radio is what I was delirious about.”

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

Upon his arrival in the United States, he found a large community of Cuban artists that has become much stronger in Florida: “I have the joy of working in Univista TV with great actors and the best comedians in our country, I have done funny commercials and proposals that I have received for the Pronyr TV. I feel that hope dwells in me as if to continue on the path of art in these new lands; Although I confess for my son I would sell anything in any happy place as a mother and wife, since it is decided that the most important thing is his development and evolution.”

Perhaps chance made his character in the chapter “The rich neighbor” Crime in Miami It was precisely that of a young woman recently arrived in the United States who is looking for a way to get ahead by working very hard, but with the weight on her back of having to help her mother in Cuba.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

“I have had moments of total happiness in their recordings and beautiful experiences that the truth is Sometimes I wonder if we are in Havana or Miami. There are a lot of good, professional and trained people here to do a job well done. Professionals that I met in Cuba and artists that I have been tremendously moved to embrace thanks to Pronyr TV,” the actress confessed.

Yasbell’s wish is that this platform continues to strengthen and become the place where Cuban artists “can do more of what we like and the public wants to see. I wish the production plan would be expanded and more equipment would be made that would give the new and old ones who have been here for a long time the opportunity to act with a group of beautiful people and experienced professionals “They know what they are doing and they enjoy it to the fullest.”

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

“After many years where Cubans in the city of Miami have loved and raved about a Pronyr TV“Now if we unite, support and continue trusting in the course of its projections we will have a lot of light and joy on this platform that has contributed positively to so many of us in our careers,” he assured.

“I want Miami to become my home and happy place”

Regarding her future plans, Yasbell is one of those who prefers not to get ahead of herself, but she harbors dreams and many hopes: “The future is uncertain. I don’t know what the truth holds for me, sometimes I cry silently in the shower so that my husband and son don’t see my tears of longing but which I know are natural to my humanity facing the immigration process. I hope that the art that runs through my veins never leaves me. May the doors open and new projects flow. I want Miami to become my home and happy place.”

“I hope that being able to continue acting now from this country will allow me to achieve those dreams that I have had since I was little every time I stood in front of the camera,” is her great desire, but for those of us who see her on the small screen that dream is not unattainable.

The artist and her character have something in common in Crime in Miamibridging the gap between reality and fiction: Yasbell is willing to do anything to achieve her dreams.

Courtesy / Pronyr TV

In “The Rich Neighbor” in addition to Yasbell Rodríguez you will find the performances of Erdwin Fernández and Yani Martín and the special participation of Ramón Veloz. The invitation is made, just download the application of Pronyr TV so you can enjoy this cast.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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