"I'm going to visit my people, where I came from, as many times as I want"

Seidy The Girl She once again attacked online against those who criticize her for her intentions to travel to Cuba to visit her family.

In the comments to a photo that the singer published on her Instagram with Lenier Mesaan Internet user wrote: “You can’t expect more. This is how the two go and visit their grandparents in Cuba”.

Instagram Capture / Lenier Mesa

Seidy’s response did not take long and was, as usual, without warm cloths: “Oh Cuban, Cuban, When are you going to understand, when are you going to respect other people’s opinions and decisions?”.

“I tell you with all sincerity, I am going to visit my grandparents, my uncles, my land, my people, where I came from, how many times I feel like it“said the artist.

“This makes me very sad to say it, but it is the reality, I have never, Never have I seen a Venezuelan or a Nicaraguan criticize another of their countrymen to go see their family or even to go to the land that saw them born, that saw them grow up, that have thousands of difficulties, thousands of problems and thousands of lack of a lot of things, because we all know that.” , compared Seidy.

“What you do is a lot with too much, and nothing for that I live in a free country where I can do what I want with my life and my money,” he concluded.

Several of his followers agreed with Seidy and stated that comments like those of this Internet user only cause more disunity among Cubans in exile.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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