For 10 years, Île-de-France has been at the top of the inglorious ranking of incivility and dangerous behavior at the wheel of the Vinci Foundation. However, other regions have their own “local specialties”.

The Paris region, a hell for motorists? For the 10th consecutive year, Ile-de-France has won the prize for the region most affected by incivility and dangerous behavior at the wheel, notes the latest barometer of the Vinci Autoroutes Foundation * published this Tuesday, May 16.

Ile-de-France residents, perpetrators of numerous incivilities

Ile-de-France residents admit to committing an average of 2.5 uncivil behaviors out of the 5 tested in the study (insults, pushing the vehicle in front to intimidate it, unjustified honking, overtaking on the right on the motorway and getting out of the car to “explain” with another driver).

The Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region is second with 2.2 uncivil behavior out of 5 on average, ahead of a trio of regions tied at 2.1, Hauts-de-France, Grand-Est and Auvergne Rhône Alpes.

In terms of dangerous behavior, Île-de-France also remains sadly in the lead. Ile-de-France residents admit to practicing 9.3 on average out of a list of 24 in total, such as non-respect of safety distances, driving beyond speed limits or even using the telephone while driving.

Small consolation, this average number of dangerous behaviors has remained stable over one year, unlike the other regions of the top 5 where we note a deterioration in behavior on the road. This is the case in Auvergne Rhône Alpes, second at 8.5, in Hauts-de-France (8.4), in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (8.2) and in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (8.1).

Centro-Ligerians focused on speed

But some regions that can be seen as models also have their own “specialties” in terms of incivility. This is the case of Centre-Val-de-Loire, which is one of the best students on incivility (1.9 out of 5 on average) and dangerous behavior (7.3 out of 24). But “Central-Ligerians are the least aware in France of the dangers of driving at excessive speed (41%) on roads (excluding motorways)”, notes the press release from the Vinci Foundation.

Above all, that in addition to rushing on the nationals, the Central-Ligerians are also “the least attentive with regard to hypovigilance”. Clearly, “they are the ones who shift their departure time the least taking into account their state of fatigue”, 80%, against 86% at the national level.

The drivers of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté remain those who drive the most “in a state of fatigue”, at 44% they are tied with the Bretons. But they are in the lead on drunk driving (16%) or having smoked cannabis or used drugs (7%).

Normans addicted to the phone while driving

In Normandy, there are also some local particularities: it is in this region that we find the most drivers likely to turn orange or red (73%) or those who use their telephone or GPS while driving (78%) .

However, it is in Île-de-France that we find the most “titles won” by category.

“The Ile-de-France residents are the champions of recklessness for 16 of the 24 behaviors tested”, underlines the press release from the Vinci Foundation, like traffic on the middle lane of the motorway while the right lane is free (62%) , sending or reading SMS or email (33%) or 16% who forget to fasten their seatbelt.

*Survey conducted in France by Ipsos on 2,400 French people aged 16 and over, including a minimum of 200 people in each of the 12 French administrative regions (excluding Corsica) from February 20 to March 3, 2023


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